Thursday, April 23, 2020

Hi Parents,

Math- we have moved on to equivalent fractions. Most of them look to be doing okay on this. Next week we will move on to finding the Greatest Common Factor of a set a of numbers. This will lead us into simplifying fractions.

They need to remember to get on Dreambox and do their 7 lessons as well. I see that some haven't gotten on at all this week. 

Reading- I am continuing to work on reading comprehension skills by focusing on making inferences. This week I added finding the main idea. The biggest problem I see is having them write in complete sentences, remembering to punctuate and capitalize. The other thing both of these require is showing me proof from the story as to why it is true or false or why they think that way.  They can't just said so in the story.

They should also be working on their book report book and notes. The notes will be due on May 4 to me. I want to go through them a little bit to make sure I don't have any questions before they create their project. I think we will use the Google Slides for this. They are getting some good practice in right now with religion.

Religion- They should be creating their 8 slides for the Spiritual Works of Mercy . Those will be due to me on May 1. I posted a video on their Google Classroom to make sure they know how to insert pictures.

Thanks again for being patient as we all learn this new of teaching and using online services!
Give your kids a hug from me! I miss them. Let me know if they need my help!

It was great to see so many at the parade on Monday! Loved seeing all of your faces again! 😃

Have a great weekend! Enjoy this beautiful weather! Is Father Adam blessing your house? He is blessing mine on Saturday.

Stay healthy ❤ Stay home.

God Bless,
Miss Surma

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