Wednesday, April 28, 2021

 Hello Parents, Hopefully everyone is having a good week this week! 

Book Report- Just a reminder their slides are due two weeks... Friday, May 14. Many have already turned them into me. They will need to bring their costume of their person on May 14. The costume will most likely just stay at school (unless they need it at home) . I know they all won't be able to share on the 14th so I plan on just spreading them out the next week. 

Lap-A-Thon- The forms and envelopes went home last week in Take Home Folders. The PTO says to bring them back on May 6, the day of the lap-a-thon. There are some fun incentives for raising money this year! 

Math- We are wrapping up our chapter this week in math. On Tuesday, I showed them a quicker way of multiplying decimals that have zeros in the problem. I wished I had taught me that method when I was a kid. I showed them that they didn't need to multiply and show all the 0's. We could a  couple if we needed to for our decimal point.  They will take the test on Monday. Our next chapter will be on dividing decimals. 

Reading- This week we read a story called Rachel's Journal. This is a young pioneer girl that is on the Oregon Trail with her family in the 1850s. They had to cross the flooded Platte River in the story. The story also talked briefly about the Donner I shared a little background on who they were and what happened to them. Rachel also talks about the song Turkey in the Straw. I shared a video of that song as well. It's one of those that you don't want stuck in your head. In grammar they are working on comparative and superlative adjectives-- big, bigger, biggest, etc. On Wednesday, we covered good, better, best and bad, worse, worst. I tried to emphasize that funner , bestest, worser are not words.  Some adjectives need the words more or most in front of them-- more beautiful, most beautiful.

Religion- They shared their posters this week of the Easter traditions in other countries. We are finishing our our chapter and then moving on to the Guidance book. 

By the way--- they all survived the Growth Talk video and did really well! 

I did send you all an email for any student interested in trying out for Color Guard or Winter Guard next year. Their dates are coming up in May! It would be great to see some STM kids out there! 

Middle School- In the past we have gone out to the middle school wing to spend some time with the students to see what it is like. Due to Covid restrictions...we aren't doing that this year. Miss Steinkamp and an 8th grader will be coming to talk to the 5th graders on Friday to give them some ideas about middle school next year. Seriously??? I can't believe we are already having these end of the year conversations! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy the warm temps! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

 Hi Parents, I hope you are having a good week besides these crazy temperatures! It was so great to see some of my siblings again last weekend and spend time with them. 

Reading- This week they are reading a story called Vaqueros. It is a story about the history of the cowboys. It talks about the history of them arriving in the US, the clothing they wore, the conditions they had to deal with, and the changes it has seen over the years. Our grammar this week is commonly confused verbs such as: lay and lie, rise and raise, can and may. I gave them a "cheat sheet" to use on the test on Friday so that they can remember when you use each word. 

Math- We started some story problems on Friday and it lead into Monday and Tuesday. Some caught on really quickly, others...not so much. They have to read the problems and pick up on the clues, but some aren't doing that. They have to do a couple of steps in order to get to the final answer. 

Religion- This week they are working in pairs to do some research on how Easter is celebrated in other countries. They are finding some really interesting things! For example, in Russia they dye eggs as well, but they use red onion skin to do it.  In Mexico they burn "fake Judases". In Australia, they don't have Easter bunnies, they have an Easter Bilby! 

Clean- Up Day- On Friday we will be cleaning the school grounds as long as the weather cooperates. As many kids that can bring a rake and work gloves ....please do. They usually ending up picking up some garbage, the dead leaves,and sticks while they are raking! Make sure you have your name on the rake. They will be by the office. 

Spirit Day on Friday- sweats or a hat for $1! The temps are only supposed to be in the 50s so that is good weather for sweats! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Sounds like our warmer temps will be back. I have Confirmation on Saturday. I am a sponsor for Keely Coen. On Sunday, I get to watch my nieces play soccer for Loras at Simpson. This will be Grace's final soccer game! She has been at it since she was 4 years old! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Hello Parents! I hope you  are doing well ! Testing week has been going pretty good. The 5th graders are taking their time which is a good thing. I do like that they aren't timed anymore. That was always my biggest hurdle. Thank you to the PTO for providing snacks! Those were a big hit! I just realized this week that we have only 6 weeks of school left! 6!!! Wow, this pandemic school year is flying by! 

Reading- We will get back into a story next week! They will have a spelling pretest on Monday!  Many are working on their book report slides. I have told them that they will have to turn in their notes as well. 

Math- We have started our new chapter on multiplying decimals. On Monday and Tuesday, I had them use a calculator for our problems. I want them to just see how the decimal moves to the right or to the left, depending on what they are multiplying by- they were using 10, 100, and 1000 as well as 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001. We also had to do a bit of refresh on exponents. I am taking out some extra lessons and getting to the route of strategies with the hope that we can get further along. 

Religion- we finished our movie on Monday of the Ten Commandments. They had great questions throughout. We are going to cover a chapter on Easter in our book before moving on to something else. 

Clean Up Day- April 23-- We will be raking school grounds that afternoon. The kids should bring a rake and work gloves if they have them! Make sure your family name is on the rake. Typically we do the fence line in the alley and behind the building up to Father's yard. It is a good day's work! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  I am heading to Waterloo and Waverly. On Saturday we are helping my sister Penny move into her new house. I get to see my sister Eva from PA as well! I haven't seen her in over a year! On Sunday, Eva is hosting a wedding shower for her son Vinny and fiancee Katerina. They both live in Waterloo. 

God Bless, 

Miss Surma

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

 Hello Parents! Hopefully everyone enjoyed their Easter weekend! I was able to clean out my flowerbed, so that was good for me! 

ISASP- Testing begins on Monday. They will do 1-2 tests a day. The 5th graders will have an extra one to do for science. The 3rd and 4th graders don't have to take that one. We are moving our schedules around to fit the tests. All tests will be taken in the morning. I don't plan on doing a story in reading next week due to these tests. So that will mean no spelling tests next week. They will get plenty of others to do instead. They will need to have a book or magazine to read in between tests. You might want to talk to your kids about it being important that they take these seriously. The thing I have noticed with this class is that when we do tests... they tend to just do random blurting or talking about whatever during the tests. I have constantly reminded them that they are testing and to be quiet. They need to for themselves and others.  

Math- This week we are wrapping up our chapter with the test. We will be working on multiplying decimals next! I am not sure if I will start that this week or not. There are practice tests the kids have to do before the ISASP tests next week. I may use some math time this week for that. 

Reading- This week they are reading a historical fiction story called The Birchbark House. It is about a Native American girl who is walking through the woods on her way home and comes upon a couple of bear cubs. She wants to befriend them so she can take them home and impress her older sister, Angeline. The mother bear comes out first and stops her! We talked about how she acted foolishly and acted on her emotions instead of doing what she knows is right, and leave the cubs alone. 

Religion- we have our mass on Wednesday. In class we are watching The Ten Commandments. They are enjoying it! We will most likely cover an Easter chapter after this movie. 

Spirit Day- This Friday is a Spirit Day! They can wear sweats and/or hat for $1!!! 

Have a great weekend! Enjoy the temps! I am attending a virtual wedding shower for my nephew's fiancee! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma