Thursday, January 28, 2021

 Hello Parents. I hope you enjoyed the extended weekend and snow! I am good now...we don't need anymore. 😁

Reading- Due to the snow days, I am changing what we're doing. We won't have a spelling test or a test over the story. We will read the story and work on grammar and spelling, but I am not going to test over any of it. Our story this week is another nonfiction piece. We learn about two people who took part in the Revolutionary War. One of them happens to be a girl who does a run on horseback similar to Paul Revere. This is the last story in our unit, which means next week will be a unit test week. 

Math- We will start the math test on Wednesday or Thursday. I have to see how the schedule plays out on Wednesday.

Auction- I received a couple of donations for the basket last week. Thank you! I will still need more since some of this will go towards our silent auction item. Please do what you can to help out. Donations due by Friday, February 5.

Dress Up Days for CSW-

Monday- Google Meet Day- They need to dress up on top and sweats or pjs on the bottom. I told them they can wear slippers too. They will need to be ready for PE so they might want snowpants and boots! They will need a sack lunch and drink on this day! 

Tuesday- Dress up like a State Day. Hawaiian shirt for Hawaii? Farmer for Iowa or Nebaska? Cowboy for Texas? Cheesehead for Wisconsin? 

Wednesday- Mass attire. This is a 4th and 5th grade mass. It's at 9:15 and will be online.

Thursday-Dress up in Tie Dye. We hope to building snowmen that afternoon. They will need mittens and/or gloves! Many of the 5th graders don't wear them at recess. They HAVE to have them that day! 

Friday- Dress in CAMO day! We plan to do a drone parade for the grandparents and special guests. Look for it on Facebook. 

If your child doesn't have any of the above to wear- please ask friends or visit the Rerun. They aren't required to participate in the dress up days- except for mass day. If they don't want to dress up, I told them to dress like they normally would for a school day. They need to remember that they will still have PE outside and have the snow pants to keep them warm. 

Religion- we are discussing the sacraments of baptism and confirmation. The plan is for the kids to do some research on a saint of their choosing. In the Catholic church, confirmation students pick a saint to have as their own patron they can look to for guidance and someone to look up to as a role model. 

Sunday Mass- Mass at Holy Spirit is at 9 am. Bishop Joensen will be presiding this weekend at both masses. I am excited that he will finally be able to visit our church since his ordination last year. 

 T-shirts- Next week we are decorating our hallway to represent the 50 states. If you have traveled anywhere in the state and got a T-shirt from that state, could they bring it to school on Monday? We'd like to use them as part of our decorating. They could have the name of the state on it or somewhere they visited like the Colorado Rockies, Disneyland, etc.  We just want to hang them, so they won't be cut or written on. You will get them back. 

SOS- I have a student of service this semester. Molly Sickels (Mrs. Sickels' daughter) is coming in the room to help out every other day for about an hour or so. 

I hope you have a good weekend! I can't believe I'm already saying that! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

 Dear Parents, Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a good week. I was just outside and I wish that temperature was going to stick around! I am ready for spring!

January Blues- I am not sure but in the last 3 days, I have handed out 6 late slips and given 2 detentions due to not getting those kinds of things done. I don't know if we are just in a funk, or if the extra day off just made kids forget that they had work to do. I have talked to them about this. I just don't want this to be the  start of a pattern. They have been doing so well! 

Reading- This week we are doing the story in 4 days due to our snow day last week. They will have a test on Friday. This week we read a story called James Forten. He was an African American who did his part for the Revolutionary War. He worked on a ship during some of the battles. For him there was the danger of their ship being taken over because he could have easily been taken captive and sent back to be a slave, even though he was actually a free man. In grammar we are working on commas and semicolons. The commas usually aren't too difficult for them. The semicolons are the difficult part. Today we focused on putting semicolons where there are already commas. For example, if there are already commas in the sentences separating cites and states, then we add the semicolons to really separate them out. 

Book Reports- I had planned for the kids to share their reports last Friday because I had a good chunk of time to do so. Well, now I am just getting them in when we have the time. I'm hoping by the end of the day on Friday, they will have all shared! They really did some great work on their projects! 

Math- We are doing the "dress rehearsal" for the test. I have a feeling they won't actually do the test until Monday. It is taking longer than I had planned, but I'd rather they take their time and do well! I did change it so that their test is not going to be 25 word problems. I am using the chapter review/test in their book as the test because it is a nice combination of problems with some word problems. The funny part I have noticed is that when they get to the word problems... I lost count on how many came up to ask me if all the word problems were division. I told them I wouldn't tell them because I figured out they were just looking at the numbers and not the situation being given. Some of those questions are looking for something more specific than the quotient. 

Religion- They did well on their tests! Right now we are working on Valentines cards. I am sending them to my friend back home. She will include them in the care packages she is mailing out to the soldiers working overseas. 

Spirit Day on Friday! Sweats for $1!!!

In your take home folder, you will find two letters from Mrs. Sickels and myself. One is about our basket for the auction. The other is for our kick off mass for Catholic Schools Week. Please take some time to read both and do what you can to help us out! Thanks so much!

I am still looking for a parent to take over the Silent Auction item! Please shoot me an email if you can take charge of this one! 

Have a great weekend! I am seeing more weather in forecast. I really hope not! 

God Bless, 

Miss Surma

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

 Hello Parents! Well, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year's! I enjoyed a ZOOM call with my siblings.  I am gone on Thursday for a doctor appointment. Mrs. Struble will be my sub. If there is something you need, email Mrs. Lane or Mrs. Sickels or Burg. 

Reading- This week we are reading a story about Molly Pitcher. Her real name is Mary Hays, but people called her Molly as a nickname. She fought alongside her husband  in the Revolutionary War. First, she was running to a stream to get water in a pitcher. She would run that to the men on the battlefield, it was a very humid day in June.  When her husband was injured, she took over shooting the cannon for him! George Washington named her a Sergeant because of her actions.

In grammar we are working on regular and irregular verbs. We are dealing with past and present tense. For example-- walk/walked, cry/cried, jump/jumped, carry/carried- these would be regular verbs

go/went, think/thought, forget/forgot- these would be considered irregular verbs

They will test on Friday on their spelling words. We will also test on the story. This is our 3rd story in the unit which means they will also get a cold read story to be tested on. 

Book Reports due on Friday! 📚📚📚

Math- Well, my plan for this week went out the window. I forget how this last worksheet stumps them.  We spent 3 days on this one. The issue with this one is that many times, their first number in the quotient is often wrong and they have to adjust. That is the whole point of this assignment. They don't like it. They want to get it done, understandably. This one really forces them to slow down, which isn't a bad thing. Many also were getting frustrated because they had to check by multiplying and that didn't always work out. Common errors I found were they multiplied wrong when dividing, they subtracted wrong, they forgot to add the remainder, they didn't drop a 0, or they multiplied wrong when checking. On Friday, we are going to start our  "dress rehearsal" for the test. I am doing a different test with fewer word problems. We will see how far we get on Friday. They will have a test next week over this chapter. The next chapter will be working with decimals. They will enjoy the break! So will I! 😊

Seeking Donations for Newspaper Insert and Radio Commercials:

Our 8th-grade class is writing articles for a large insert in the Creston News Advertiser and our 6th-grade class is preparing 15-second commercials to be broadcast 5 times each on KSIB radio. The insert will be distributed and the ads broadcast during Catholic Schools Week. The cost for the insert and ads will be approximately $1700. We need your help to fund these great pieces about our school.  If you are interested in helping, please click the link here:

 If you plan to help please let Mrs. Lane know by January 19th so we can place your name on our donor list. Thank you!

Religion- They will have a test on Friday! 

Auction Basket- The auction is happening, but it will be online! We are doing baskets. This year it will be a 4th and 5th grade basket. Mrs. Sickels and I decided that we will take care of putting it together. The value of the basket cannot be any more than $300. We decided we'd like to do a Pampered Chef basket. If you are able to help with the cost, please send your donation to school with your child. We'd like donations to be in by February 5 so we can get our order in to PC. 

We will also do a silent auction item from our 5th grade class. I am looking for parent volunteer or volunteers to help get this done!  Please let me know if you can help out with this! Part of your donation for the basket would also go towards this item. Thank you so much!!!! 

Catholic Schools Week is coming up at the end of the month! Keep an eye out for details! We definitely made some changes, but I think it will be fun! 

Sounds like we are going to feel more like winter on Thursday and Friday! Is it to early to countdown the days until spring?

Have a great weekend! 

God Bless, 

Miss Surma