Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Dear Parents, Sunday is our kickoff for Catholic Schools Week. If you can join us at mass on Sunday at church that would be great to see you! There is a breakfast afterwards in the basement provided by the Knights. Next week will be crazy busy, but one of my favorite things to do with all the activities! 

  Important Dates:

January 28- Spirit Day/Sweats for $1

Jan. 30-Feb. 4- Catholic Schools Week 

Feb. 4- Book Reports Due

February 14- Valentine's Day celebration

Catholic Schools Week- 

Monday- Dress in STM colors. Need a sack lunch/ no drink.

Tuesday- Dress up as a grown up! ( I can't wait to see them)  

Wednesday- Dress as a letter of your name ( first or last). This one should be fun! 

Thursday- Dress in sweats. ( pack a swimsuit and towel ) Need a sack lunch and drink.

Friday- Dress up day- Mass at Holy Spirit at 1:30 pm with grandparent or special guest

Reading- This week they are reading another biography. This one is about two different people that were involved in the Revolutionary War. James Plumb was 14 when he signed up for the war. He was sent to battle in New York. He was given a silver dollar for signing up. Sybil Ludington was a teenager who rode like Paul Revere one night to gather men up to fight in a battle. She rode 40 miles in one night, Paul Revere road 14 miles. Amazing lives these teenagers led during the 1700s. In grammar this week we are focusing on transitions in writing. We will do this together in class each time. They will have their test on Friday and spelling test. Next week is a unit test week, that means there won't be any spelling! I don't really want to test during CSW, but I also don't want to put it off for another week. 

Book Reports due on February 4, 2022

Math- We are starting division this week, but I am not in the book. I am just doing some review to remind them of the steps of division. Our book jumps right into dividing by double digit divisors. I need to make sure they remember the process first. 

Religion- On Thursday the kids are going to start researching a saint and find facts about their  life. They will be sharing their information with the class next week. 

Auction- Please send any donations for the auction basket in with your child! For the silent auction they will be painting coasters! 

I hope everyone has a nice weekend! Hopefully our temps will be nice enough for you to get outside! I hope to see you at mass on Sunday! 

God Bless, 

Miss Surma

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

 Dear Parents, I hope everyone enjoyed their snowy weekend! I know I was able to get a few things done that I had been putting off! 

 Important Dates:

January 26- 5th grade mass

January 28- Spirit Day

Jan. 30-Feb. 4- Catholic Schools Week 

Feb. 4- Book Reports Due

Please return the blue sheets that went home last week to let us know who will be going to the Grandparent/ Special Guest mass with your child(ren) during Catholic Schools Week. 

Reading- This week we read a biography on James Forten. His father Thomas was a freed slave who worked as a sail maker. Thomas earned enough money to free his wife from slavery.  James grew up with some schooling and then wanted to join the Revolutionary War as a soldier. He was on a privateer ship and his job was to bring up the gun powder from below deck. After the war, he ended up buying the ship business from the man he worked for as a child. He was also an abolitionist and worked for women to get the right to vote. In grammar, we are using commas and semicolons. 

Next week will be our last story in this unit. That means they will be taking the unit test during Catholic Schools Week. 

Book Reports are due in TWO weeks, Friday, February 4!!!!

Math- They are testing over chapter 4 on Thursday and possibly Friday. It just depends on how long it takes them. Next week we will begin our division chapter! 

Catholic Schools Week - Sunday is the kick off day with mass at Holy Spirit. Come celebrate with us and stay for breakfast with the Knights of Columbus!  Below is the link so that you know each dress up day and the activities planned for that day.

They will need sack lunch on Monday (milk will be provided)  and Thursday(they will need to supply their own drink- no pop)

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Stay warm! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

 Dear Parents, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break! It was so nice to spend Christmas with family in person versus virtually. 

 Important Dates: 

January 14- Spirit Day

January 26- 5th grade mass

January 28- Spirit Day

Jan. 30-Feb. 4- Catholic Schools Week 

Feb. 4- Book Reports Due

CSW- If your child is telling you about needing an outfit for their name, let me explain! One of the dress up days is for the kids and teachers to dress up as something with the first letter of their name- it can be their first name or last name. So for example-- A is for apple, B- for bat. I am excited to see what the kids come up with. I told them I am dressing up as an alien! There will be more information coming soon for the events that week! 

Reading- This week they are reading a story called They Called Her Molly Pitcher. It is the story of how Molly Pitcher helped on the battlefield during the Revolutionary War. At first she was running water to the soldiers,but after her husband was injured, she took over the cannon. She was even named a sergeant by General Washington. In grammar they are working on verbs - regular and irregular. Regular would be  when we add an -ed to the ending. Irregular is when we change the word entirely-- was/were, buy/bought.  Spelling this week has the pattern of VCCCV- vowel, consonant, consonant, consonant, vowel. I know they were paying attention to that during the pretest. 

Math- they are finishing up their chapter this week with a review and then the dress rehearsal. They will test over this chapter on Monday or Tuesday. I am not really sure of the timing yet. I did tell them to expect more problems on the test. I believe there are around 20 this time. Our next chapter will be division,but I am going to some review with them first. They need to remember the process because we jump into double digit divisors-- which will be new for them. 

Religion- They finished up their chapter on the Beatitudes! They worked on the review on Tuesday. They will finish the week with the study guide. The test will be on Monday.  Last Friday, I showed them an episode of The Chosen. It's a free app you can get on your phone.I have it on mine and my iPAD. The show is about Jesus and his life. There are only 2 seasons at the moment. I showed them the episode about Jesus and the little children. Most of the episodes are showing him picking his disciples and their journey of following him. The show shows Jesus with a sense of humor which I like to think he probably had! They loved it! We had such a great discussion as we went along! Now that I figured out how to show them, I will share more when they fit. 

Spirit Day- This Friday! They can wear sweats for $1. I am told snow is in the forecast! That might be a great day for sweats! 

Catholic Schools Week Kick-Off Mass- If you are signing up your child for this mass on January 30, please return the form or just email me! I could use some older kids for reading parts!!! 

Tuesday, January 18- I will be leaving for the afternoon that day. There will be a substitute. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Looks like we are getting more snow on Friday! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma