Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Dear Parents, I hope you have been having a great week! Only a couple more days before break!

Reading- They will take a test on Thursday over their story. This week they read a story about James Forten. He was a free African American during the Revolutionary War. He worked on ships until he joined the military for the American side. His job was to bring up the gun powder that was stored below deck on the ship. It was used in the cannons. It was a dangerous job. When their ship surrendered, he was taken prisoner aboard the Jersey. Luckily for him, he was not sent back to the West Indies and sold back into slavery. In his later life he bought the sail making business his dad had worked for and became quite successful. He also worked as an abolitionist and fought for the rights for women to get the right to vote.We discussed how he isn't considered a hero because he didn't do any one thing that stood out, but all the things combined still make him someone who is heroic. 

We have one more story to read in this unit. I am going to wait to do that until our first full week back from Christmas break. When they return for those 3 days we will do some other things.

Math- This week was about estimating by rounding and using benchmark numbers. They learned to round to the nearest 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1. When we get back we will begin adding and subtracting decimals. 

Food Pantry- On Monday the 4th and 5th graders walked to the Food Pantry to deliver our school's donations. Each student had at least one bag,but some had more to carry. I would say the families of STM did very well with their donations! I know Mark and Mary really appreciate it! Thank you so much for helping them out! 

They need a sack lunch on Thursday. Milk will be provided. They can also wear their favorite Christmas shirt, sweater, etc. They can wear pajamas as long as they deal with Christmas.  If they have necklaces, antlers, etc... wear those tomorrow! I can't wait to see how they look! We will be singing after we eat. You are welcome to join us for the caroling in the gym. It will be from 12:30-1:00. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas with your families. This is the first time  I won't be in Doon for the holiday. That seems very weird. I am flying to my sister Eva's in Butler, PA on Saturday. It's an hour from Pittsburgh.  I will be there for the week with her and her kids! I am excited to see them! I know they have snow already. Safe travels to everyone! I will see you in the new year!  Merry Christmas! 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

Monday, December 18, 2017

Parents, Just a reminder that your child will need a sack lunch on Thursday. Drinks will be provided. 

We are also telling the kids to dress to show their Christmas spirit on that day! Maybe they have one of those ugly Christmas sweaters or just a t-shirt! Maybe they can dress in Christmas colors! It is optional!  

Have a great week! 4 days! Hold on tight!
Miss Surma

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Dear Parents, I hope you  are having a great week! Well, my desk was covered in packages of cough drops last week and it looks as though they shared it with me! So thankful! :)

Geography Bee- If you'd like to join us for the 2nd round, it will be after mass next week on Dec. 20.

Friday is Spirit Day! Wear sweats for $1!

Reading- This week they are reading a story about Molly Pitcher! Her real name is Mary Hays. She was on the battlefields during the Revolutionary War. She brought pitchers of water to the soldiers during the battle due to the extreme heat! She also took over firing a cannon once her husband had been injured! She was a true hero on those grounds. In grammar we are focusing on regular and irregular verbs. This is based on what happens when you change a verb from present tense to past tense. Simply adding -ed would be a regular verb. If the spelling changes for example from teach to taught-- that is an irregular verb. 

Math- We are working on our decimals! So they are working on writing them in standard, expanded, and written form. They also are learning to compare decimals and then write them from least to greatest or greatest to least. We will be working on rounding them too. They will most likely have to round them to a certain place value position.  We have talked about how you refer to them in tenth, hundredths, and thousandths. The decimal is referred to as point or the word and. It depends how we are working with them.  I am also making them say the numbers in word form to me instead of just saying one point two five (1.25), they have to say one and twenty-five hundredths. 

Religion- They are finishing up their chapter on Advent. They went to reconciliation on Tuesday. When we are in the chapel waiting, they are supposed to be spending their time in prayer. Many of them I found have a hard time sitting quietly and still. I decided they know how to pray the rosary, so that is what we did! If they had to leave for their confession, they did that and rejoined the rosary after their penance was said. It was really cool because we didn't have any of our papers or our rosaries, but they knew exactly what to say and where! It also quieted them down for some time spent with God. It was just a simple, but very cool moment for me as a teacher! 

Pen Pal- We finally received a letter from our pen pal Mason. If you remember, Mason is a little like Auggie in our Wonder book. The kids are going to be writing him a letter or Christmas card before we leave for break! It was nice to hear from him. His mom had also written that he had recently gone through jaw surgery so that was why it took so long. We will keep him in our prayers and hope his recovery goes well! 

December 21- Remember they will need a sack lunch! Milk will be provided. 

Lunch this Friday-- The main dish this Friday is hamburger gravy over biscuits, but the alternate is a sack lunch that you would need to provide. Please talk to your children! Milk is provided so no drink is necessary. 

I hope you have a great weekend!
God Bless,
Miss Surma

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Dear Parents, Happy Thursday! I hope you are having a great week! Well, our temps certainly match the month we are in right now. I did really like those 50s though.

Reading- This week we read a story called Can't You Make Them Behave, King George?  It is a nonfiction piece about the Revolutionary War,but also about King George the third. He really thought he was doing right by the Americans and didn't understand why they wanted their independence. After the Boston Tea Party happened, he decided they were being rebellious children and he needed to show them he was a strict father. He closed the port into Massachusetts. This only made the Americans stand firmer on their ground. It backfired for him.  I talked to the kids about the musical Hamilton, which is about Alexander Hamilton, but people like George Washington and John Adams are in it. Last week we read about Adams. I introduced them to some of the music from the musical with the focus being on King George's songs. He had an illness back then, but no one realized it. They had thought he'd gone mad. His decisions and comments were a little crazy. His songs are like that. He sings sweetly about how killing your friends and family is a sign of how much he loves you. I loved the expressions on your kids' faces when they heard those lines. WHAT????  So they are listening more to the music from the musical. We are also working on figurative language. We are focusing mostly on similes and idioms. On Wednesday, they had to draw an idiom out from a stack and then draw a picture to match it. Those will be posted in the hallway. If you're in the school, you can stop by and see them.

Math- We are starting a chapter on decimals. First, we will focus on understanding the  value of each number. Then we will work on adding and subtracting them.

Religion- We are focusing on an Advent chapter right now.  We have mass on Friday. We will be praying the rosary as a school beforehand if you'd like to join us. I believe that will start at 8:50.

Singing- Next Monday, Dec. 11, the 5th graders will be going to the church to sing for the CCW. They will also have lunch there. They are in for a treat! Those ladies provide a very yummy buffet! They do not need to dress up for this. We will be back for classes by 1:15.

Geography Bee- The 2nd round will be after mass on Dec. 20. You are invited to come and watch if you'd like! It will be in the gym.

I hope everyone enjoyed the concert on Wednesday night! I thought the kids did a great job! Thank you, Mrs. Stoner!

Have a great weekend!
God Bless,
Miss Surma

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Dear Parents, 
I am writing this on Tuesday because I will be heading to Doon on Wednesday night. My siblings and I will signing the final sale papers for our house in Doon. I am not excited about this at all, but I know it has to be done . Anyway, Mrs. Bearden will be here with the 5th graders on Thursday. 

Reading- This week we started our new unit. This unit focuses on the Revolutionary War. I believe every story will be about a person who played some role in the war. Our story this was called Dangerous Crossing. It is a historical fiction story about John Adams and his son Johnny Quincy Adams and their voyage to France. The war isn't going well for the Americas, so John Adams goes to France to get more help in their fight against England. We also talked a lot about life on a boat when you are at sea for over a month. No plumbing, no showers, etc. Not such a great time.  In grammar we are talking about subject and object pronouns and their antecedents. They will test on Friday over the story and the spelling words. This week in spelling they are looking for the VCCV pattern. Ask your kids what that means! 

Math- We are finishing up our chapter on division. They will do a review on Wednesday. The test will be on Friday. I am telling Mrs. Bearden to make sure they all do the extra practice on Thursday. One thing they need to remember is that any question that starts with the word "about" is asking them to estimate. In division that means using compatible numbers. For example if it is 846➗ 23.  You would round 23 to the nearest 10, making it 20.  Then look at the first digit in the dividend. Can 2 go into 8? Yes, so now you are going to divide 800 by 20 or you could divide 840 by 20. Both 800 and 840 are compatible with 20. There will be no remainder. 

Religion- They will have their religion test over the Beatitudes on Thursday when I am gone. Our next topic will be Advent.

Advent Angels will start on Wednesday. Keep a lookout in your child's folder for information on what we are donating to the Food Pantry this year. Please do what you can to help out. 

Lighted Christmas Parade is on Thursday night. If your child wants to ride our float, let Sarah know in the office. I'm afraid I won't be back in time to watch the parade. 

I hope your week is going well. Have a great weekend! 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

Monday, November 20, 2017

St. Malachy School is seeking participants for the Lighted Christmas Parade on November 30 at 7pm.
Please meet at Feldhackers Family Fun Center at 6:50pm
We need students for our Holy Spirit Float.
Students MUST have an ADULT chaperone in order to participate in our float.  Adults can be responsible for up to 4 children.  This is a walking float so please wear comfortable shoes.
Please RSVP to if you and your child plan to participate.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Hello Parents, Happy Thursday! I hope you are having a great week! 

Reading- They are taking their unit 2 test this week. The scores won't go home until probably after Thanksgiving.  They have their book reports due on Thursday. I know many have chosen the poster. Hopefully next time we will get more of a variety! When we get back from Thanksgiving we will start the next unit. Our next unit focuses all of its stories around the Revolutionary War. I believe almost all of them focus on a person who played a role (major and minor) in that war. 

Math- This week they are working on learning the standard algorithm in long division. This is the way you were taught. Some have caught on pretty quickly. Others are having to go a little slower. It's not a surprise. This is a shorter chapter so we will most likely test sometime in early December. 

Religion- Our chapter this time is about the eight Beatitudes. They  don't have to memorize them, but they will work on creating lists of ways we can live the Beatitudes out in our daily lives.

The 5th graders will also have their next mass on November 29. I believe Father is also blessing our Advent wreaths. Our Advent Angel activities will begin that day as well. 

November 20 is our Frey Pizza Lunch for TJ and Nate. No guests at lunch that day please. 

Food Pantry- We will go to work there on Friday, Nov. 17. 

Have a great weekend! I am going to be doing a second coat of paint in my basement and my report cards! 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Dear Parents,
Happy Thursday! I hope everyone had a great 3 day weekend! I was able to get some painting done in my basement! It was good to see everyone for conferences! 

Reading- This week we are reading a story called Cougars. It is an informational article. It reads more like their science book might. I always learn something new about cougars that I didn't know. Did you know that they can't roar? In grammar we are working on using quotation marks when directly talking to someone or quoting information from a book or source. They will have their test on Friday. Since next week is our unit 2 test week, there won't be any spelling tests. 

Book Reports are due on Thursday, Nov. 16!

Religion- They are pretty much done with the mysteries! We will be getting back into our religion books! Our next focus will the Beatitudes.Soon Advent will be here so that will also become a focus. 

Math- So our "new math" lesson went really well this week! They quickly grabbed onto using partial quotients when dividing. The area that was the trickiest was the subtracting. We are now going to delve into estimating using compatible numbers. They won't be rounding. They will have to know the factors of a number-- their multiplication tables can be a HUGE help with this! 

Veteran's Day Celebration- the K-8 kids will be listening to guest speaker Ray  (Bubba) Sorensen on his painting of the Freedom Rocks in Iowa, but we will also have some vets in the gym to meet. We are asking the kids to wear red, white, and blue on Friday to show support. They can also wear sweats since it is a Spirit Day! 

STEM Night- Don't forget Thursday night is our 2nd annual STEM night! Come and enjoy all kinds of activities. I know the committee has been working really hard on this day! 5:30-7:30 :) 

I hope you have a great weekend! I am heading back to Doon. My siblings and I are going to empty the house of the remaining furniture on Saturday. 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

Monday, October 30, 2017

Iowa History Projects Due on Wednesday, November 1st. 

Students need a sack lunch/ no drink on Wednesday as well! 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Dear Parents, 
I hope you are having a great week! We actually have 5 days! Woo hoo! I hope you all received the email with the link to sign up for a conference with me! I can't believe we are here already! 

Reading - This week they are reading a nonfiction story about the Everglades.  A class of 5th graders go there for a field trip. This story is really trying to persuade the readers to see the importance of saving them and what we can do to help. They also use a lot of vocabulary that is a little harder. We talk about the brackish water. We talk about the animals that live there. The two seasons that exist (wet and dry) and what that means. 
Spelling- This week our list is full of homophones. I told them that they would have to understand the difference in meanings for Friday's posttest because I will mix the list up. 
Grammar- They are using the conjunctions ( and, but, or) in sentences. They other key to remember is that they need  a comma before the conjunction. 

Halloween stories-- All of them have been edited. Many are already typed and printed. Next week we will share them aloud. I will post them in the hallway so you can read them while you wait for conferences. Thanks to the movie IT, there are a lot of killer clowns. :)

Math- We started our new chapter on Wednesday. This is division. We went over the basic rules again. Some of them still remember it from 4th grade. Some are struggling to remember what numbers I multiply and subtract. It is the standard algorithm, so it's the same as you learned as a kid. I try to stress that while it may be easy for some of them, it isn't for everyone. We need to help those kids that struggle with it! 

Religion- They have all passed the Sorrowful Mystery Quiz. They will quiz over the Glorious Mysteries on Friday. 

Service- They are making Christmas cards for me now. I will be mailing them to Doon and they will be included in care packages for our soldiers who will be overseas this Christmas. 

Social Studies- Mrs. Sickels and I changed the due date for their Iowa project due to Halloween festivities. The 5th graders should bring in their project and final paper on Wednesday, November 1. It is no longer on on Halloween. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Don't forget about the Vendor Fair here at STM on Saturday! I have to head to Doon to get some more stuff and to do some more packing so I will unfortunately not be able to go! :( 

God Bless,
Miss Surma

Hey Parents,
 Our weather is getting colder and I am trying to remind your kids they will need a coat for recess. The fleece or sweatshirt they wear all day in the building doesn't really count. If they don't have a winter coat yet, they should have something extra they could put on over their sweatshirt. I heard the high for Friday is 40 with possible snow. I want them to be prepared for the cold. 
Thanks so much,
Miss Surma

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Happy Thursday! I hope everyone is having a great week! I hope you enjoyed the longer weekend! 

 Boxes- Mrs. Stoner is saving kleenex and shoe boxes! If you have any at home that she could have, please send them to school with your child. She wants them for STEM Night. Thank you!

Spaghetti Supper-- Don't forget this Saturday is the PTO Spaghetti Supper. The Civics Club will also be doing games and activities! Check it out! I may see you there! I will be working with the desserts and salads! 🍝

Reading- This week they are reading an excerpt from Old Yeller. I told them you may have read this book or watched the movie when you were a kid. We focus on visualization, dialects, and proverbs and adages. The latter one is usually the most difficult. We don't really use them these days.  For example, "don't burn your bridges".  We tend to speak differently now. Their slang is much different. We talked about dialect is not the accent someone has, but how they say their words. In the story, our main character refers to the dog as a yeller dog, not a yellow dog. Our grammar piece is on direct and indirect objects. 

Math- We are finishing our chapter. There will be a test on Friday. For this first test, I give them a packet of notes to refer to as they take the test. They covered a lot of different things and I know it is a lot to remember. They will also be able to refer to their notes on the order of operations so they can remember the steps they need to follow. If they don't finish the test on Friday, they will on Monday. 

Religion- They have all passed their prayers! Now we are working on knowing all the mysteries of the rosary. They are working in pairs playing a matching game. Eventually they will take a quiz. They only quiz over one mystery at a time. 

Halloween Stories- I am slowly editing their rough drafts. Some of them have gotten theirs back and are typing their final drafts on the chromebooks. They will be posted outside our room. You can check them out during conferences! 

Conferences-- Watch for an email for signing up for a time to meet with me. I can't believe we are already here! 

Friday we are going to work at the Food Pantry! 

Have a great weekend! 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Dear Parents, Happy Thursday! I hope your week has gone well. We have had a GREAT week! Today is our Friday. Remember, there is no school for your kids on Friday or Monday due to professional development for us. 

Reading- In your child's folder is their scores from last week's unit test. Now, some are not really great scores. That doesn't surprise me much because this is a Benchmark test and they always seem to be more challenging. I did also have a long talk with them though because that can only be part of the issue. I told them they cannot read these one time and think they have comprehended everything because their scores show that can't be working. They have an hour to do these tests. They aren't really timed. I spread them out over the week. There is no reason to rush. I have a feeling some may not have bothered to go back to the story to look for answer. We can talk more at conferences too. 

This week they are reading a nonfiction story about tree kangaroos. These are elusive animals. We are taking the journey with some scientists who want to put some tracking devices on them so they can gain more information about them.  We focused a lot on cause and effect with this story. On Wednesday we read a short story-- a myth. It was about how koalas came to be to not have tails. According to the myth it was because he was out searching for water with a tree kangaroo, but was lazy and liked to whine. The the kangaroo finally found water, the koala being so excited sliced off his tail on a sharp rock. The myth was trying to teach that you should do the work and share the rewards instead of being greedy and lazy.

Math- We are still working on the chapter with order of operations. Some of them are forgetting there are rules they have to follow in order to solve an expression. I slowed down a bit on Wednesday so I could work with some kids on making corrections. On Tuesday, they were introduced to parentheses, brackets, and braces. They took notes of the order of operations in their notebooks. They will be able to use that when they finally test over this chapter. 

Religion- We are still saying the rosary. Many of them have memorized their two prayers! I just have a few left. When they are all done, we will work on the mysteries of the rosary. 

Muffins with Mom is next Thursday! I will probably see many of you there! 

Prayers- Our prayers go out to Fr. Halbur and his family. His aunt and uncle died in the wild fires in CA earlier this week. 

Have a GREAT weekend! I am actually staying in town! I have a house that really needs cleaning! I also have a book that I need to finish for my book club! I hope everyone enjoys their long weekend! Have some fun! 

God Bless,
Miss Surma

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Hi Parents! 
So I am going to be at St. Malachy on Friday. I decided not to attend the workshop. Have a great Friday!
Miss Surma

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Hello Parents, Happy Thursday! I hope you are all having a great week! 

Substitute- I am gone on Friday, October 6. I am taking a class in Sidney. There will be a sub here on that day. 

Reading- They have been taking their unit test this week. They will finish it up today. Scores will be sent home next week. 

Book Report- I assigned the first report. It isn't due until November 16. I told them they have to have their chapter book picked out by October 11. After that they will not be able to switch to another book. I also gave them a handout with the different options for their project. 

Halloween Story- Every year the 5th graders write Halloween stories. On Wednesday, I read some of my favorite short stories that my 5th grade teacher read to my class . On Friday, when the sub is here, they will spend time writing their story. The story will be a rough draft that is written in print. I told them to skip lines. It is easier for me to edit. The final draft will be typed on their Chromebook. I give them a week to do the rough draft. The final copy is all dependent on how quickly I get them edited. They will probably have different due dates.

Math- We are still working on our chapter, but we are really working on multiplication and division using distributive property as well as the order of operations. I would guess that they will test over this chapter next week. These last couple of lessons are a bit more challenging to get the process down. What I have liked is that when I ask them to divide a problem, so me of them have said they don't remember the standard way so they can't do it. I remind them that now they can do it with the distributive property way!!! This way they can't say... I can't divide! 

Religion- They took their test on Tuesday over Chapter 2. Now we are focusing on the Rosary. We will say a decade every day. On Fridays, I usually take them to the chapel to say the entire rosary. Right now they are working on memorizing The Apostles' Creed and Hail Holy Queen. After that they will work on knowing every decade of the rosary. We won't be in our books for awhile. They can certainly work on memorizing those prayers at home with you. 

Reminder-- No School on Friday, Oct. 13 and Monday Oct. 16. We have PD days here in Creston and in Des Moines. 

Have a great weekend! I am heading to Doon from Sidney to do some more packing at my parents' house. 
God Bless,
Miss Surma

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hello Parents,  
I hope you have enjoyed your week. I know I am loving these cooler temps! I had a great time last Saturday watching my niece play soccer for Loras College, even in those horrible temps! 

Book It- I will give your child their October calendar on Friday. They will need to read 600 minutes in October. 

Reading- This week we are reading the story Elisa's Diary. Elisa has moved to the USA from Puerto Rico and is having a difficult time learning to speak English. She can write it, but she can't speak it. She meets a boy from Guatemala who has the exact same problem, but the opposite. He can speak it, but not write it. Together they help each other out. We learn in the end that she has become a teacher. We discussed how the theme of our story is that friends can help you overcome obstacles. Their grammar this week is about making nouns plural. We created a chart to show the rules of how the spelling can change from singular to plural. They need to pay attention to the spelling to determine what to do. They will be able to use that rule sheet as a guide on their test on Friday.  In spelling, they created a word search. They will have someone else solve it on Thursday. 

This is Week 5 of our series. This means that next week will be the Unit test. I will break it up over the week, but I hope to be done by Friday. 

Math- They are working on multiplication with single and double digit numbers. We are also working on figuring out a division problem by using the distributive property. This is more challenging and we do a lot of it together to get the process down. We should be nearing a test soon. 

Religion-They will be testing over this chapter next week. We have been discussing the Paschal Mystery and the sacraments.
We really enjoyed the visit from Sister Mary Vincent, a friend to the Eblen family. She explained how she became a sister and everything they have to do. It was GREAT! 

Next Monday we will be having a speaker in to discuss bullying. K-5 will be in the gym right away that morning. Wear a blue t-shirt to support no bullying!

Have a great weekend! Early out on Friday for homecoming. I am heading back to Waterloo for my niece's homecoming. 
God Bless ,
Miss Surma

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Hello Parents, I hope this has been a good week for you! It always seems a bit crazier for me when we have 4 days. 

Mass- The 5th graders did a great job with our mass on Wednesday! If your child wasn't in this one, they will be in the next one which will be after Thanksgiving. 

Reading- This week they are reading a story called Double Dutch. This is a nonfiction story about a group of girls that have a Double Dutch jump rope team and they compete in contests. We are working on sequencing of events this week. Their grammar is working on nouns-- common and proper. They know the rule for proper nouns is that they have to begin with a capital letter.  They did a worksheet on Wednesday that gave them a common noun like state. They had to give me a proper noun like Alaska for that word. They also had to practice their spelling words by writing them in rainbow colors! 

We are almost finished with our book Wonder. The movie comes out in November. I told the kids that IF it comes to Creston, I will pick a day to go and if any of them or you want to join me ...we can see it together! I know many of them have watched the trailer already. It's funny because a scene I read on Wednesday is in the trailer. They told me it doesn't happen at's in the day. I told them...that is because they can change things from book to movie. One of them said,"The book is always better!" I couldn't agree more!

Math- We are halfway through the chapter. They are working on multiplication by single digits right now. This should be review. They are also estimating to find the product. I have them rounding the number to the largest place value position and then they can do the rest mentally. On Wednesday they did more of this, but had to fill in the answer in a crossword box. Many of them told me the answers weren't working in the boxes until we looked over their work. We found errors like the copied the problem wrong, they multiplied wrong, or they added instead. It is a good checking position for them! 

Acts of Service- Last weekend I saw a post from a father in Idaho who was talking about his 8 year old son. This son is bullied every day because of his facial deformities- much like Auggie in our book. The son has even talked about suicide. He is 8.  I felt horrible and messaged the dad privately. I asked him if my 5th graders could write Jackson letters to hopefully lift his spirits and let him know that others are thinking of him. The father, Dan, is beyond grateful. So, I am going to have them make Jackson some cards and I will mail them.  What I want our kids to realize is that we need to accept all differences, not just the ones that we can see on the outside. We need to accept all people and they don't have to have major deformities for us to stand up for them. Okay, I'm done now. :)

Have a great weekend! I hope to see some of you at the Color Run on Sunday. I really enjoyed it last year! I am heading Waverly and Dubuque this weekend. I get to finally see my niece  Grace play soccer for Loras College! Go Duhawks!  
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Dear Parents, Happy Thursday! I hope you are having a great week! The heat is back! This will be great weather for Balloon Days! 

Reading- This week they read a story about two kids who are running for class president. They each have to give a speech to their classmates to persuade them to vote for them. Miata is all about doing things that are good for the school: cleaning up the graffiti, getting computers, etc. Rudy wants to get ice cream served every day at lunch and more recess time. The 5th graders caught on pretty fast to who was taking it more seriously. We did talk about the kind of language they used in their speeches as well. Miata used more formal language, while Rudy used more informal. His was more idioms and slang terms. We also read a short excerpt on two other kids running for office and using posters to persuade the votes their way. On Wednesday, I used that thought and combined it with our book Wonder . Auggie in our book is teaching us about being kind to kids who don't look like everyone else. He has some facial deformities. So they worked in pairs to persuade all the students in STM to be kind to everyone. 

I am really trying to open their eyes and ears to the things they do and say to each other that are so negative. They tell me they fight like brothers and sisters, which is true, but at the same time that doesn't make it right. We are having a lot of little talks in the classroom about what is acceptable and what isn't acceptable. I just want them to be aware. We need to make sure we are following our social contract. We are making small strides. 

They will test over this story on Friday. It is also week 3, which means that there will be an extra story for them to read and 10 more questions to answer. I am slowly getting grades on our grade book that is online. We had some glitches because of the new upgrade, but I think those are worked out now. 

Facebook-- I hope you are checking out the pictures or posts I put on for our classroom. If you aren't connected-- ask to join St. Malachy Fabulous Fifth Grade! 

Math- This week we have been getting involved with Algebra. They are working on the different properties-- Commutative, Associative, Identity, and Distributive. We are also learning about using exponents with the base of 10. I told them this is good practice for middle school. We are about half way through our chapter. 

Religion- They took their first test on Wednesday. We are taking a short break and working on a project. I am friends with a woman from my hometown who sends care packages to any service men and women who are overseas. This summer she gave me a tour of her work room. It is quite the production.  The 3-5 graders are writing short positive sayings or messages on mailing labels. Those labels will be put on baggies that are filled with shaving equipment, snacks, stationary, candy, toothbrush and toothpaste. Next month we will be making Christmas cards. They will be sending out boxes in early November so we need to get those done. IF you know of a service man or woman who is stationed overseas and want them to receive a package, please let me know their address. Tracy will gladly send them one too! 

Reminder: NO school on Monday, September 18. 

Mass- The 5th graders have mass next Wednesday. I had to divide the class up. I don't have enough jobs for 18 people. Please know you are welcome to join us!!! They will have their parts on Thursday or Friday sp so they can practice this weekend if they need to. 

Have a great weekend! Enjoy your activities or if you are around for Balloon Days! 

God Bless, 
Miss Surma

Monday, September 11, 2017

Parents, IF you would like to place your book order online instead of sending it to school, here is the code you will need for me. 


Use that when ordering online! You pay online as well. I will get an email that you have placed an order and make sure it goes through!

Miss Surma

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hello Parents, Happy Thursday! I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! 

Spirit Day- This Friday is our first one of the year! $1 for sweats. They can also sport their favorite team for Iowa vs ISU or whatever school they choose to cheer on! 

Reading- This week we are reading a story called The Royal Mystery. It is about two girls at camp, but one is definitely used to a certain way of living, so she has to get used to camp life. Plus, she also is kind of secretive about her life and family so there is a great little twist at the end of the story. This story is also written in a play format so we discuss how the style of those are written. We talk about scenes, stage directions, and the clues we are supposed to show when reading (how a character reacts). In grammar we are discussing the four types of sentences and the punctuation they each require. On Wednesday, they were given a sheet of sentences to cut out. The next step was to read them and decide what kind of sentence it was and then glue it on piece of paper in the right column. It seems like the imperative and interrogative ( command and question) sentences get the most confusing.  You will see in their take home folders their score sheets from last Friday's test. 

Math- We are working on place value this week. On Tuesday and Wednesday they were showing how to write a number in standard, word, and expanded form. The most confusing seems to be the difference between showing me the value of a number and the place value.  Value tells me what a number is worth. Place value gives me a name to that number-- hundreds, ten thousands,etc. 

Religion- We always begin with our creation story. The most important thing I try to relate to them is that we are all created in God's image. We are made to be like him. That means our actions and words should also resemble him. We also focus on the mystery of the Holy Trinity. They will be creating pictures to show me how three things can all be in one item. 

Food Pantry- Our first visit will be next Friday, Sept. 15. 

Book Order- In your child's folder is a book order. If you would like to order, please return them by next Friday, Sept. 15. IF you are sending a check, write it to me or Scholastic.  Thank you!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Maybe I will see you at the Food Fair on Sunday! I am working at the dessert booth! 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Hello Parents, 
I hope everyone is getting into the groove of school again! Welcome to 5th Grade!!!  So, this blog is my main way of keeping you up to date on what we are doing. I very rarely send home paper stuff. I will post things on our Facebook page as well, but you should always check here for information. 

Reading- This week they are reading an excerpt from Wayside School . This is a humorous fiction story. There are some silly things that happen in the school and with the teacher! We are focusing on creating a story map to identify the problem in the story , the events, and the resolution. We are also talking about irony. In grammar we are working on identifying the simple subject and simple predicate of a sentence. I am trying to get them to focus on finding the noun and the verb!  They took a spelling test on Monday. They will have a posttest on Friday. I don't do bonus right away. I will base that on some pretest scores to see. Once they are doing bonus, they continue to do it. They are learning that in 5th grade everything but math is done in cursive, unless I tell them otherwise. This is great for many of them because it is forcing them to slow down. They will test over this story on Friday. They will take an online test as they did last year in 4th grade. 
We also got them on Quizlet this week. They will be able to work on spelling and vocabulary words there. 

Math- They took a pretest this week. On Wednesday we started our first chapter. It focuses on place value. They will be working with millions and eventually we will be working the place value positions of decimals. 

Religion- We always begin our year discussing the Bible and how to locate readings or passages in the different books. We then move into the story of Creation and the Holy Trinity. 

Spirit Day is next Friday! They can wear sweats for $1! It is also the big CY-Hawk game so they can support their favorite team! I will most likely be supporting the UNI Panthers. I might be "allergic" to those other colors! :)

I am reading the book Wonder to them. This is a fave of mine. I am also working with them on acts of kindness. In the book, August was born with some facial deformities and he is just beginning his 5th grade year. He was home-schooled up until this point. It is a great story on accepting differences and bullying. We will have a REAL-LIFE Auggie as our pen pal. His name is Mason. The kids will be sending him letters so we can get to know him better. He is 11 years old. I'm also trying to get them to catch some acts of kindness so we can fill our jar. It's kind of like the bucket fillers. 

Facebook- If you are on Facebook, make sure to look for my page St. Malachy Fabulous Fifth Grade. Ask to join and I will take care of the rest! 

Chromebooks are up and running! They are already typing letters up for their Iowa History project with Mrs. Sickels. 

Holy Spirit International Food Fair is set for September 10. 

I hope everyone enjoys the three day weekend whether you are staying put or traveling. I am heading to my hometown of Doon. My siblings and I will be putting our childhood home for sale this fall. I am going home to do some more packing, donating, and pitching this weekend. Have a great weekend!!!

God Bless,
Miss Surma

Saturday, August 26, 2017

St.Malachy 5th Grade      “Our 9”
Each of the 9 months of the school year all members of our 5th grade class are dedicating their prayers/work to various individuals who have made a positive impact on their lives.
August 24- September 1

Praying/ Working for:
Fernando Acuna
My dad
Ava Adamson
Uncle Devin
Spencer Brown
Uncle Tyler
Olivia Burwell
My dad
Vincent Eblen
My brother Joe
Tristan Evans
My grandpa
Jersey Foote
My mom
Ava Ford
My mom
Taryn Fredrickson
Grandma Tracy
Mila Kuhns
Cousin Ellie
Aubrie Mohr
Grandpa Moffitt
Charles Rudolf
Great Grandpa
Josh Schaefer
Mattias Schultes
Coach B.
Taylor Smith
Great Grandma
Parker Varner
Sasha Wurster
Great Grandma
Carley Zollman
My brother
Miss Surma
Coen Family

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hello Parents ! Welcome to 5th Grade!!! This is your journey as well as your child's! I wanted to invite you to my 5th grade Facebook page, if you are on Facebook. That is where I will post pictures or videos of your kids during our year together. This is a CLOSED group, so you will have to click JOIN and then I will admit you in. I am keeping this just for us. 

The group's name is St. Malachy Fabulous Fifth Grade. That is what you will search! 

I am excited for our year!

Miss Surma

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Hello Parents, 
Happy Thursday!  I cannot believe I am writing my last blog to you! Where did our year go??

There isn't much to tell you this week...

Tuesday, May 30 - That morning we will be finishing some things up in our classes and cleaning out desks. They will need their book bag to take home their stuff. They will need to bring a sack lunch that day. Milk will be provided. They should wear tennis shoes for Field Day. 

Wednesday, May 31- We will have mass that morning. After mass we will have a closing of the year instead of later that morning. The remainder of the day we will be in our rooms. Dismissal time is at noon. There will not be lunch for the kids. 

Report Cards will be done and online for you next week. 

Finally, let me say I have enjoyed this class immensely! I know there were 25, but it never felt like that to me. I couldn't imagine this class without one of them! They are all so special and so unique. I was lucky to be their teacher! I thank you for that! I thank you for choosing our school, our family. It was my pleasure to be their 5th grade teacher. I know they are ready to move on to middle school and all that it brings, but it is never easy to say goodbye to my kids. They will always be mine. I hope that all of you have a wonderful summer! Don't forget to have them pick up a book, newspaper, magazine once in awhile. Throw them a math problem to keep them on their toes. Tell them it's homework from Miss Surma! 😊 Enjoy sleeping in, softball and baseball games, camping, fishing, or just taking a vacation! For some of you, I know I am saying goodbye to you because now I have taught your youngest! That makes me a little sad as well! 

I will be here for most of June, but I will spend the majority of my summer back home in Doon. It will be my final summer in my childhood home. I want to be there as much as I can before we sell it this fall. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Hello Parents, I am so sorry that last week I totally spaced off writing a blog. It was a crazy week! I hope you had a great weekend. I left Thursday afternoon and drove to Davenport where I met up with my sister Penny. We then took off for Butler, PA. We spent the night in Portage, Indiana and then took off again on Friday to finish the drive. We arrived in Butler around 5:15 their time. We went to watch our niece AnnMarie perform in the Youngstown Playhouse production of Hairspray. It was AMAZING! I thought my niece did an amazing job as "Penny" the best friend to the lead Tracy. My niece cried when she saw us after the show...that made the long drive totally worth it! We are heading back there in about 4 weeks to spend a week out there. 

The Baker's Neighbor play is this Friday. We have two shows. Half of the class will do their play at 10:45 and the other group will be at 2:15. The afternoon show may end up in Mrs. Mitchell's room. We have a lot of different activities going on at STM on Friday and the forecast isn't helping. When you arrive for the afternoon play, I will have 5th graders greeting you at the door. They will tell you where to go for sure. They have done a great job of memorizing their lines! It is really coming together!  

Manuel-- dress clothes you wear to mass

Pablo-- the same thing, but you can add a cap if you want.  Just need to look like an older guy in the village

Carlos and Sisters-- they are kids. They can wear what they wear to school unless they want to do something special

Villagers and Women-- They are too look like older people in the village. If they want to wear dress clothes, be a farmer, wear caps, carry a cane, dress like an old lady or man...all good! 

Judge- Mass clothes- I will supply the black robe

Math-- They are still finishing up the math test over dividing decimals. When we are all done with that, I do plan on starting a new chapter even though I know we won't finish it. I would like to get to some fraction stuff before they go. They have done a lot of that on ST Math, so they will probably catch on quickly.

Religion- We are doing guidance, but this week we have been using that time to practice for the play.

Book Reports- They are due on Wednesday, May 24. They will need to bring it to school along with their costume. They will start to share their reports on that day, but I know we won't be able to get through them all. We will use Thursday and Friday to get them all done. 

Last Days of School- 

Tuesday, May 30-- They can bring a sack lunch that day to school. Milk will be provided. We will have Field Day that afternoon from 1-3. You are welcome to join us for that. I will plan on them cleaning out their desks that morning. They should come with their book bag to take belongings home that day. 

Creston Public School has now stated that we will have a 3 hour early out on May 31. There won't be lunch that day. We will be having mass that morning. They don't have to wear mass attire for this day. 

I hope you have a great weekend! I plan on going to Waterloo. My niece Gracelyn is graduating from Columbus High School. 
God Bless,
Miss Surma

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Happy Thursday Parents! I hope you are having a great week! I am so glad it isn't raining! 

Reading- This week they have been taking the Unit 5 test. You will see their scores next Thursday in your folders. Next week I plan on doing a story from our next unit. This next unit, they will be given another book to use. It is more like a magazine. They will have a spelling test and test on Friday. Next week I will also be giving them their scripts for our play. We will hold try outs next Thursday most likely. I would like them to know their roles by Friday so they can start memorizing their lines.  So... I am looking at the plays being held on Friday, May 19. I will have to do one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I will let you know more when I have it all figured out!

Book Reports- They are due on May 24. I keep reminding those students are reading, they need to keep this going and not just do it while at school. They will run out of time. IF your child is doing the poster...they can use the tri-fold ones like at the science invention convention or just the big poster board paper found at Wal-Mart. You might also check out Dollar General or Dollar Tree. 

Math- We are plugging away at our chapter. This dividing decimals by decimals is throwing some of them. They need to remember that the decimal has to be moved in the divisor and in the dividend and then they need to put it in their answer! :)  We are getting near the end so there will be a test coming soon.

Religion- We finished  the Ten Commandments so we are going to work on our Guidance book now until the end of the year. 

Recess- This is just a story. I had duty on Wednesday and we stayed on this side. I had a big group of 5th graders that played 6-Square. Then I had another group on the hill. I looked up and noticed some of the girls doing tumbling stunts. Then the boys were trying their hand at it.  Then I suggested wheelbarrow races. They did that and then moved onto building a boy pyramid and a girl pyramid. Then they did piggyback races.  I didn't stay for anything more, but boy were they fun to watch. I was giggling at them constantly. I just loved how they were getting along! Then it dawned on me that we are running out of days. I got a little sad!!!!

The 5th graders will be visiting the middle school wing and spend time with the 6th graders next Wednesday after mass. They will eat lunch with them and go to recess. They will have their normal afternoon. I know the middle school information night is the next evening for you and them! I love this day for them, but I hate this day for me because I know I am going to lose them soon! 

I will be gone on May 12. Mrs. Bearden will be here to sub for me. They will be going to the Food Pantry that day.  That is also a Spirit Day.  My sister and I are leaving Thursday night for Pennsylvania. Our niece AnnMarie is a freshman at Youngstown State and has the part as Penny in the musical Hairspray. We have never seen her perform. It will be a LONG drive and a short trip! I will be back on Monday! 

On Tuesday after our testing I showed them the video of my niece's senior trip to France and Belgium. You can find it below. They visited sights of WWI and WWII. They saw battlegrounds and cemeteries,and Catholic churches. I also had to show them a quick video on the Christmas Truce so they would understand the significance of the soccer balls in the video.  It's about 30 if you like history! 

Have a great weekend! I am heading to Waterloo on Friday. My niece Grace has her senior prom on Saturday. 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma