Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Hello Parents! Well, I hope you are all doing well. Isn't this just a crazy life we are living these days???

Thank you for being patient, especially this week! I know that Moby Max on Wednesday was a pain for some of your kids! I am still trying to figure out what happened.

I think we are figuring out KAMI between reading, math, and science. They just need to remember that most times they need to use the TEXT box, not the drawing.

In math-- we are working on fractions. I am just trying to see where they are with it. Some of them have done this with Dreambox so they are a step ahead. That's okay! If I see a lot of errors, I am sending it back to them to correct. I will re score it. Just like doing corrections at schools.

In reading they are working on making inferences. That is what they were supposed to do on Moby Max. I did see that some of the kids were missing questions but only spent 45 seconds on I am not sure they are really reading the story or the question. They will do more of that on Thursday, but this time they need to write out their answers.

Religion- We are just starting to work on the Spiritual Works of Mercy. We will do more with that in our Google Hangout on Monday morning at 9 am.

The one thing I am noticing is that they aren't reading the instructions we post with the assignment. So they either don't do it all or do it incorrectly.

They also need to pay attention to the SCROLL on their Google Classroom pages. Many ask questions that have been answered  and then someone repeats the same question. Hey wait...that is kind of like in the classroom too! LOL

Thank you for the quick response to the T-shirt order. I have them all and turned it in to Mrs. Stoner.

Again, thank you! For your support and patience! I hope this hasn't created too many headaches at home, but I understand. I feel like I am at my computer all day and into the evening. We will get through this, but I am praying for May 1!!!

Drive-by Parade is set for Thursday, April 16 from 3-4. Come down Clark Street from Elm St. Now, I see the weather I guess don't be surprised if we postpone it. 

Please give your kids a hug from me! Tell them I miss them! I will see them Monday morning at 9 am.
Stay safe. Stay home. Stay well!
God Bless,
Miss Surma

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