Dear Parents, WOWZA! This is such a crazy week, but so much fun!
Thursday is our day at the YMCA so they will need to be wearing sweats or shorts and have their tennis shoes. They will also need to pack their swimming suit and towel. They need a sack lunch with a drink that day!
Friday is our Grandparents/ Special Guest Mass at church. Mass will begin at 1:30. I would suggest the guests be at church around 1:00. The kids will arrive shortly after by bus. They will have their coats and bags with them. There is a coffee/punch and cookies reception afterwards in the basement. If your guest is taking your child home, just make sure they find me before leaving! They should dress up like they always do for mass day.
Reading- This week we are finishing up our last story in our unit. This was about two people. Joseph Plumb Martin and Sybil Ludington. They were both teenagers during the Revolutionary War. Joseph joined the militia, but wasn't too excited to do so. He only signed up for 6 months. He did receive a silver dollar for signing up. Sybil road by horseback to neighboring farms to gather men at her dad's farm. They would go onto battle from there. What we learned about her ride is that it was actually longer than Paul Revere's famous ride. I think the 5th graders enjoyed this unit and getting to know the different people.
They are finishing up their essays as well on their people from the Revolutionary War. Some of them learned the fine art of copy and pasting when working from the rough draft to the final draft. When all are done, they will share them with the class. I will also hang them outside our room so that if you are in the school sometime and want to read them!
They will test on Friday over the spelling and the story. I know that could be a little scary with the way our week is going. It will be okay.
Math- We haven't done a lot of math this week due to our schedule with Catholic Schools Week, but they are working on problem solving with multiplication of decimals and whole numbers. They are working a lot with money too. Next week they will learn to multiply decimals times decimals. That is always the trick...remembering where to put that decimal.
Religion- We are just trying to wrap up this chapter this week. They test on Wednesday. I probably won't send them home this week with our schedule. I will put their scores on Power school for you to check out there.
Auction Basket- This year the 4th and 5th are creating a basket for the LIVE auction. Kathy Ralston is taking care of it. Look in your child's folder for a handout with details on what you can do to help. Heidi Rohrig is taking care of our silent auction item. I will give you details on that when I know more. The auction has moved this year. It is the last Saturday in February, which is right around the corner.
January Book -It Calendars Due on Monday!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
God Bless,
Miss Surma
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