Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Dear Parents, While I love CSW, it is really nice to be back in a routine! I think they had a great week last week. Everyone seemed to enjoy the activities and dress up days!

Auction- I sent home a paper last week in the folders. I am doing it again this week. Our 4th and 5th grade basket needs donations to be successful at the auction. Please do what you can. I know Mrs. Sickels has received a few things from her 4th graders, but I have only gotten one. Donations are due by next Friday, February 14. You can donate money or an item. Please do what you can  to help out! 

Math- We are now multiplying decimals times decimals! This chapter is pretty short. We should be looking at a test next week sometime. Our next one will be dividing decimals! I am not sure they will be excited about doing that one though!

Reading- This week they took their Unit 3 test. Next week we will begin a new story with spelling words. I will send their scores from this week's test home next week in their folders. Their essays on their Revolutionary War people are finished! They will share them with the class on Friday. I hope to hang them outside in our hallway so that others can read them!

Religion- Our chapter is on the Sacraments of Initiation with the focus being more on confirmation. The way the chapter talks about it  for when kids or adults are getting confirmed during the Easter Vigil mass. One thing we do talk about is picking your saint's name. The Catholic kids won't do that  really until they are sophomores in high school. I did have them pick a saint to research. They are finding facts about them, but they also have to come up with ways they want to resemble that saint in their daily life. They have chosen some saints that I have not heard of so I am excited to learn about them.

Spirit Day is this Friday, February 7! $1 for sweats!

Valentine's Day- We will celebrate at the end of the day on the 14th. We work at the Food Pantry that afternoon. I don't need any treats brought in. I take care of that... part of my treat to them. If your child is going to pass out treats, just make sure they do all the kids in the classroom. We will decorate bags next week in art class. We won't pass them out until that day, so they don't need to bring them in any earlier than Friday of next week. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I guess we probably won't get the nice temps like last weekend. 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

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