Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Dear Parents, I hope you enjoyed your 4 day weekend! Next week will be a little crazy with it being Catholic Schools Week. I hope you checked out Mrs. Simmons' calendar of events she sent out last week.

Snow Clothes- We have a number of 3-5th graders that aren't coming prepared for the snow during recess. Most of mine have boots and snow pants, but we have quite a few kids in our wing that need hats and gloves/mittens. On Wednesday a lot of them went to the office to search through Lost and Found. They really need to have this stuff. The Lost and Found isn't supposed to be there back-up spot. 

Reading- They took their Friday test on Tuesday! The grammar section took a hard hit. It was on punctuation of commas and semicolons...those can be hard. I don't think the 4 day break in-between helped much. They had to look very closely because they were throwing in extra commas that weren't needed and some of the kids were choosing those as correct. On Wednesday, they started on their papers they are writing on their Revolutionary War people. They are creating a rough draft now on their Chromes. They will share it with me on Friday so that I can edit them over the weekend. Since next week's schedule is not really consistent...we will be starting a new story on Thursday or Friday of this week. There are a couple of days for sure next week that we won't have reading due to other events.

Math- They finally got to take the test on today (Wednesday) over our chapter.  I am hoping that we will see improvements from their "dress rehearsal"test.  Our next chapter will be multiplying decimals. They will multiply a whole number and a decimal as well as decimals times decimals.

Religion- We will be finishing up the chapter this week. They will test next week over it. I can't say which day yet...I need to look at our schedule better.

Sack Lunches- They will need a sack lunch on Monday. No drink. Milk is provided. They will be eating with their Advent Angel. On Thursday, they will need another sack lunch for our day at the YMCA. They will need a drink that day. If they are drinking a soda, they need one with a screw top lid--no cans! That way if they don't finish it, they can take it home. 

Catholic SchoolsWeek- 
Sunday- Mass at Holy Spirit with breakfast in the basement to follow
Monday- Spirit Day- your STM gear, need sack lunch and no drink
Tuesday- PJ Day- Schedule of Talent Show Events will be coming
Wednesday- Era- Dress up in the 50s, 60, 70s, etc.
Thursday- Workout Day- Need their swimming suit/towel, sack lunch with drink
Friday- Dress Up Day- Mass at Holy Spirit 1:30

If your child has a part in Sunday's mass at church or Friday's grandparent/special guest mass it is in their Take Home Folder on orange paper. Please check it out!

Does your child have a special guest or grandparent or parent coming to mass on Friday? If not, please let me know. If your guest is taking them home after mass...make sure they see me before leaving so that I know. Thanks! Bus and Trolley kids are still being picked up at the church if they need that ride.

Don't forget to pay your $2 for our trip to the YMCA, if you haven't already! 

Next week will be crazy busy! Hopefully the weather will be better than last year!
Have a great weekend!
God Bless,
Miss Surma

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