Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hello Parents, I hope everyone enjoyed Balloon Days even though it rained! I had a great time with all my nieces! I got some great snuggles from my great niece Rosie who is only 4 months!

Mass-  Next week, we are doing the rosary at 8:50 and then having a prayer service at 9:15. Father Adam will be back the following week!

Spirit Day- This Friday is a spirit day. They can wear sweats and or a hat for $1! The weather might be perfect for that! 

Color Run is this coming Sunday at McKinley Park at 2 pm.

The memorial service for Travis Morgan is set for Saturday at 10 am at Powers Funeral Home. Visitation is from 9-10 am. 

Reading- This week they read a story about two 5th graders running for class president. They each have to give a speech before the voting. We discussed how Miata uses formal language and really wants to do good things for the school. Rudy uses informal language, doesn't really follow school rules, and he wants to do things that are more fun for the school, but realistically won't happen. We also picked a part the author's word usage and found examples of similes throughout as well as idioms. I created sheets with idioms on them and they had to draw and color a picture to match what it says...not the literal meaning of those. They were giggling over their choices. They will share those on Thursday. In grammar this week they are focusing on finding the complete subject and complete predicate in a sentence. They will test over the story and spelling words on Friday. 

Math- Tuesday was a more challenging lesson. They are solving division problems using multiplication and the distributive property. They discovered there are lots of steps that have to written down, but I also told them, "Now you can't say to me, I forgot how to divide because now they have another strategy to use! " I am not really sure if that made them happy or sad. 

Book It- This will start next Tuesday. They will get their calendar on that day. The goal for October is 600 minutes. That is about 20 minutes per day. They will have to decide between Pizza Hut and Pizza Ranch when they meet the goal at the end of the month.

Sub- I am gone on Friday to attend the bishop's ordination mass in Des Moines. Linda Taylor will be here.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! It's been a tough couple of weeks. Hopefully we will see some brighter days in the future. Our continued prayers for Ethel and Sadie. 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

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