Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Hello Parents,
I hope this week is going well. I am glad we are back to having a normal week. I think the kids are too. I didn't hear one complaint on Monday about having a spelling test!

Field Trip- We are still planning on Biz Town on Wednesday, February 27. We are in need of volunteers or the day won't happen. I have had five parent/grandparents come forward to help. I think 4th grade has two so far.  Remember you will drive up separately and have to be there 30 minutes before we arrive to get more information on your job. You will be working that day. You will get a lunch break like the kids, but you will have to provide that yourself. Please look at your schedule to see if you can join us. You will have a great time! It is such a great experience. 

Auction- We are still needing donations for the auction. Our wing is doing a Care Care Basket. I put the letter with ideas in your child's folder. All donations are due by February 15. Please do what you can to help us out. 

Math- I am using our math time to work on Biz Town. This week we began with learning about checking and savings accounts, debit and credit cards, safe deposit boxes, etc. We talked about the importance of their social security numbers and how they shouldn't give those out to anyone, but especially over the phone. There were times and places to share that info. On Tuesday, I gave them a little quiz to identify what kinds of situations would require you to use your checking account or an ATM card. They also filled out their  paycheck and they had to endorse them.  On Wednesday, we filled out a deposit slip that we would use at the bank. 

Reading- We are back at it! This week they read the story Lunch Money about a boy who creates his own comic book series that he is selling at school. We get his step by step process in making them. He does everything by himself! Plus they are no bigger than your credit card! He calls them Chunky Comics because they can stand up on their own! We had  a moment of remembering the chunky milk commercial during the Super Bowl at that point! GROSS! We are also working on finding adjectives in sentences.  They have to be able to answer - does the adjective answer How Many? What Kind? Origins? Which Ones? 
Their spelling list this week deals with the endings -ed and -ing . They will have a test on Friday in spelling and over the story. 
I have put unit test scores in your child's folder. They weren't great. I know taking those over 10 days did not help at all. I did go over the questions with them last week. We also looked back in the stories to see where they could have found the answer. I know some were so easy to answer-- if they had just looked back. I don't know how to convince them to do this. I struggle with this part. 

Fluency Scores- They are also in your child's folder! They were great!

Substitute- I am gone on Friday for my Tier 2 class for reading. It was supposed to be last Wednesday, but was canceled due to the cold. We are now having it in Osceola. Mrs. Taylor will be here with the 5th graders.

Donuts with Dad- If you haven't returned your RSVP, please do so or call Sarah in the office to let her know! 

Valentine's Day- We will do something small in my room on Feb. 14 near the end of the day.  The kids will trade their Valentines. They will get to eat some, but will take most of it home to you! :) 

Teacher Appreciation Day- We missed out on this day due to snow. We are rescheduling it for Monday, Feb. 18. Your child will need a sack lunch that day. Milk will be provided by the school. 

Mass- The 5th graders will be doing mass on Feb. 20 if you would like to join us! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Stay warm. I hope the weather will cooperate for everyone !

God Bless,
Miss Surma

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