Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Hi Parents, 
Hello! I'd love to say we have had a normal week, but once again, we haven't. So, things are just getting pushed around. I'm afraid we haven't been able to even listen to one book report yet.  UGH! 

Reading- This week we are reading a science fiction story called LAFFF. I love this story. It is about a boy who creates a time machine but it can only go forward in time and only for a short time. He shows it to his neighbor girl and together they come up with a way that she can use it. She wants to win the school essay contest because then her name will be written in the school magazine and the story is in print for all to read. She goes forward in time to sneak a peek at the winning story. She can only be gone for 7 minutes so she doesn't get it read entirely and has to create her own ending. Then the guilt hits because she possibly copied someone else's story. In the end, she wins and realizes she was copying her own story. The fun part is that in the end she reads her story to her friend and her first line is the very first line of our story!  (Mind blown emoji goes here ) The kids always love that part! 

We are also working on adverbs this week. This is tough because they have to find the verb first and they struggle with identifying those.

They will still test over the story and the spelling words on Friday.

Math- This week they are still working on writing checks and filling out deposit slips. We also talked about what bouncing a check means. They will also be filling out their voter registration slips as well. They usually do some kind of voting on the day of Biz Town.

Monday, February 18-- Sack lunch day! This is our make up day from CSW. They will eat with their angels that day. That was our blue and gold day. If they want to dress up in blue and gold they can, but I am not going to push that one. Let's just leave it to blue and yellow shirts, sweatshirts,and sweaters. Let's not do sweats. 

Food Pantry- We are working at the food pantry on the 22nd. That is also a Spirit Day! Sweats for $1.

ISSB is having them record any acts of kindness this week. They can be done at home or school. They can do them themselves or witness them being done. Each kind act is $10 for the food pantry! I think about 9 or 10 of them said they did things at home yesterday during the snow day. The recorded that on their slips. That is $90-$100!!!

Valentine's Party is tomorrow around 2:35-- it won't be a long party.

Thank you to Cali Purdum for coming in and taking pictures of the kids on Wednesday for our silent auction item!

Thanks for the donations I have been getting to help her out with that!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Stay safe since they are saying more snow is on the way.
God Bless,
Miss Surma

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