Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are enjoying these warmer temps! I know we are at school! It is fun to be at recess across the street again! The kids did a great job with the rosary and the mass this morning. We had Father Kirby from Winterset. We didn't get to do the Sanctuary song, but that is okay. The 5th graders will have one more mass on May 23 with the 4th graders. Not everyone will get a job. 

Reading- Tomorrow is going to be our "Friday" in reading. They are going to be testing over the story and having a spelling test. We don't have school on Friday. This week they read a historical fiction story about a family who are pioneers going across America to get to Oregon. The girl in our story keeps a journal. One of her experiences is a buffalo stampede. I showed them a scene from Dances with Wolves where John Dunbar is awakened by the buffalo stampeding by his fort. I didn't show the "hunting" scene. I said they could watch the movie at home with you! They understood the power of the animals and the dust storm they can create! 

In our grammar we are talking about comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs. For example: dirty, dirtier, dirtiest or fabulous, more fabulous, most fabulous. We added adverbs today. Adverbs describe verbs and adjectives and many times end in -ly. You need to just add the words more or most in front of the adverb. 

Math-- The tests are coming to you today to get signed. They really did great. Many were close to 100% but because they didn't show their work or didn't write their fractions in original form they missed them. I was pretty adamant about that the entire chapter and even yesterday I repeated it a few times while they tested. We started in our chapter 6 today. They are back in their own math books. It is still chapter 6 but now we are adding and subtracting fractions. They will most likely be learning about mixed numbers and improper fractions too.

Religion- They took their test today. We will start a new chapter on Thursday. I think in May I will switch from religion to doing their Guidance book. We will most likely end our year with that. 

Book Reports- These will are due next Friday, May 4. They need to come to school with their report that day and their costume. They will change into the costume when we begin to share these. Sorry, this is not something they do in front of you. You will get to come and see their play in May. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have them practice presenting their book report to you at home. 

Due to the book reports next Friday, I plan on making our reading program 4 days again-- just like this week.

Lap-A-Thon-- Don't forget this is next Thursday, May 4. The 5th graders will be running/walking from 10-11am. Don't forget to have your kids do what they can to raise some money! I don't mind a pie in the face for them! It wouldn't hurt for them to have an extra pair of socks and shoes to wear after the run in case of mud or wet shoes. 

Remember your kids don't have school on Friday. We have to go to Des Moines for some PD. 

Have a great weekend! Looks like the weather will be beautiful. 
God Bless,
Miss Surma

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