Wednesday, August 23, 2023

 Hello Parents, This is my first blog of the year! They usually go out on Wednesday or Thursdays. I will email you the link as well as post it on our Facebook page. If you have Facebook invite me to be your friend so that I can send you the invite for our page. It is a private page only for those I have invited! 

Calendar Dates:

Aug. 30- Mass Day

Aug. 31- Picture Day

Sept. 1- 3 hour early out

Sept. 4 Labor Day/ No School

Reading- We have a new series this year! We (the teachers) will be learning along with the kids how this series works and what we can get through. I am really not starting that until next week. On Friday I plan on giving them a qualitative spelling test. This just lets me know the kind of spellers they are and what kinds of things throw them if they misspell

They will have 3 book reports to do this year. I give one each trimester. I will let you know when I assign it and when it is due. I also give them a little packet of choices for their projects. 

Math- there is a readiness test that I give at the beginning of the year just to see what they remember from last year the concepts they know. It isn't anything they get a grade on or have to correct. 

Religion- In 5th grade we do focus on the Rosary during the month of October. They will be learning some new prayers and all of the decades. The decades aren't something they need to memorize. It is more about what is really happening during that decade. 

Picture Day- Next Thursday, the 31st is picture day! They usually take their pics before they have PE. If they want to wear a certain shirt for the pictures and then change into a T-shirt afterwards, that is totally fine! We can handle that! The picture order form is going home this week in the Take Home Folder. Please return it by Tuesday or Wednesday next week. 

Homework Expectations- The 5th graders will have homework, but I try really hard to make sure they get class time to work on. Typically, I don't have a lot of kids that take it home, but that doesn't mean they won't every once in a while.  It also depends on how they "use" their work time. 

This year will be the goal of getting them ready for life in middle school. They need to make sure they are getting their assignment books signed each night. They need to make sure their homework or projects are done.  They need to remember their band instruments. They need to take on some responsibility. They don't get to call home to have Mom or Dad bring them something they forgot. 

Water bottles are optional. Our drinking fountains are open so they can use those throughout the day! 

I think we will have a great year! I'm excited to have them in my room. I am excited to welcome Jude and Ava to our class and school. I hope they love it as much as I do! 

We had a really good first day, I think! I hope they did too! Have a great weekend! Stay cool!!!

God Bless,

Miss Surma

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