Wednesday, March 2, 2022

 Dear Parents, I am so happy the temps this week are getting us closer to spring, but I did tell your kids they need to watch... temps can change quickly! They might not want to wear shorts in the 40s! 

 Important Dates:

Mar. 4- Spirit Day

Mar. 5- Auction and Dinner

Mar. 8- Honor Choir in Underwood

Mar. 10- Conferences/ No School

Mar. 11-18 Spring Break

Mar. 21- Classes Resume

Reading- This week we are doing our story in 4 days due to our short week last week. They will have a post test on Friday in spelling. This week our story is Darrell Rock Reporting. It is about a young boy who writes an article for the local newspaper to persuade the town to take an empty lot and create a town garden that will help the homeless people there. He has to take his argument to the town council to get voted on. Another student wants to turn it into a parking lot for the teachers. Who wins???? In grammar we are working on different kinds of pronouns. 

Math- I was hoping we'd be done with this chapter before break, but I am not quite sure that is going to happen. The four day week has messed with my plans a bit! 

Religion- They have been learning about the sacraments of healing- penance and reconciliation and anointing of the sick. The plan is to test over this before we leave for spring break. When we get back from break, we will focus on Lent. 

Spirit Day on Friday!

Shorts- I told the kids that I know they can now wear shorts again, but I also stressed to use good judgment.  As of right now, next Monday is back in the 30s. That could be a very cold recess and we won't keep them inside because they wore shorts. 

Honor Choir is next Tuesday! I am going to put another copy of the letter Mrs. Stoner sent you with all the details just as a reminder in your child's take home folder this week. I will be going with them that day since all of them are participating! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 

God Bless, 

Miss Surma

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