Dear Parents,
I hope everyone is having a good week! It was nice to kick off the week with Valentine's Day! Thank you for all the donations for our LIVE auction item! There was enough money to get the 3D printer and filament.
Important Dates:
Feb. 21- No School/ PD Day
Feb. 25- Spirit Day
Mar. 2- Ash Wednesday/ Lent begins
Mar. 4- Spirit Day
Mar. 5- Auction and Dinner
Mar. 11-18 Spring Break
Mar. 21- Classes Resume
Math- this week I taught them the standard algorithm of division. Once they have it down, I will let them choose which method they like better to divide. Either way is correct! I also taught them how to check their division by multiplying. I told them this was a great way for them to KNOW they got the right answer and it also means less chance of correcting!
Reading- This week we read a science fiction story called LAFFF. It is about a boy who makes a time machine that can only go to the future for a short time. His next door neighbor decides to use the time machine to go forward to figure out what essay won a writing contest at her school. She wants to write the winning essay to impress her parents. There is a slight twist at the end of the story...ask your kids to explain it! In grammar we are working on identifying adverbs which describe verbs and adjectives.
No School on Monday, Feb. 21. It is a professional development day for us! Enjoy your long weekend! 😁
Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022 Ties, Tutus and Tie-Dye! The kids can dress up for this fun day- 2/22/22!! This is not a requirement!
Religion- We started a new chapter this week! We are focusing on the sacraments of anointing of the sick and penance and reconciliation. This will be good. They will go to confession at some point during Lent. We will most likely move into Lent after this chapter. They need to decide what they are doing for this Lenten season. They will fill out their promises on March 1. Lent will begin on March 2.
3rd Trimester will begin on Tuesday! The late slip records will be wiped clean. Do you realize that means we only have 12 more weeks of school??? This year is flying by us! 😢
Wipes- We could use some more in the room if you can donate any!!! Thank you!
Look on my Facebook page for pictures of their painted coasters! They did a great job!
Just a reminder- students may not bring in fast food for their sack lunches.
I hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy the extra day off on Monday!!
God Bless,
Miss Surma
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