Wednesday, February 23, 2022

 Hello Parents, I hope everyone enjoyed their extra long weekend! We will celebrate 2-22-22 on Thursday! The kids can wear their ties, tutus, and tie-dye on that day! 

 Important Dates:

Feb. 25- Spirit Day

Mar. 2- Ash Wednesday/ Lent begins

Mar. 4- Spirit Day

Mar. 5- Auction and Dinner

Mar. 11-18 Spring Break

Mar. 21- Classes Resume

Conferences- Please check out the link and make sure you have signed up for a conference time!  I sent the link to you in an email and on my classroom Facebook page. 

Reading- This week they are reading a story called The Dog Newspaper. This is a true story by the author Peg Kehret. She has written some great books for kids that I read a long time ago! This is her story about how she got into writing. EJ was the dog her uncle returned to the states with after WWII. Her first story was writing about EJ! In grammar this week they are moving on to prepositions and prepositional phrases. I give them a little chart with quite a few of the most common prepositions. They will also be allowed to use it on the test. 

Due to our "snow day', I am changing the plans so that we cover this story in 4 days instead of 3. That means I will give them their post test on Monday, Feb. 28,  in spelling as well the test over this story. Then next week I will do that story in 4 days as well. That works out better because the next week will be conference week and they are going to be at honor choir all day on Tuesday. 

Math- We are still going at it with division! Slow and steady! I am going to try and be done with this chapter before we leave for spring break! That is my goal. We will see how it goes! 

Lent- Has your child made any decision on what they are doing for Lent this year? They will need to know by next Tuesday. We will fill out our promises in religion class.

We will also celebrate Fat Tuesday on Tuesday! The 4th graders will be making donuts. 

Spirit Day is Friday! Sweats for $1

The auction is March 5!!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I sure would like those temps we had last weekend!

God Bless, 

Miss Surma

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone is having a good week! It was nice to kick off the week with Valentine's Day! Thank you for all the donations for our LIVE auction item! There was enough money to get the 3D printer and filament. 

 Important Dates:

Feb. 21- No School/ PD Day

Feb. 25- Spirit Day

Mar. 2- Ash Wednesday/ Lent begins

Mar. 4- Spirit Day

Mar. 5- Auction and Dinner

Mar. 11-18 Spring Break

Mar. 21- Classes Resume

Math- this week I taught them the standard algorithm of division. Once they have it down, I will let them choose which method they like better to divide. Either way is correct! I also taught them how to check their division by multiplying. I told them this was a great way for them to KNOW they got the right answer and it also means less chance of correcting! 

Reading- This week we read a science fiction story called LAFFF. It is about a boy who makes a time machine that can only go to the future for a short time. His next door neighbor decides to use the time machine to go forward to figure out what essay won a writing contest at her school. She wants to write the winning essay to impress her parents. There is a slight twist at the end of the story...ask your kids to explain it! In grammar we are working on identifying adverbs which describe verbs and adjectives. 

No School on Monday, Feb. 21. It is a professional development day for us! Enjoy your long weekend! 😁

Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022 Ties, Tutus and Tie-Dye! The kids can dress up for this fun day- 2/22/22!! This is not a requirement! 

Religion- We started a new chapter this week!  We are focusing on the sacraments of anointing of the sick and penance and reconciliation. This will be good.  They will go to confession at some point during Lent. We will most likely move into Lent after this chapter. They need to decide what they are doing for this Lenten season. They will fill out their promises on March 1. Lent will begin on March 2. 

3rd Trimester will begin on Tuesday! The late slip records will be wiped clean. Do you realize that means we only have 12 more weeks of school???  This year is flying by us! 😢

Wipes- We could use some more in the room if you can donate any!!! Thank you! 

Look on my Facebook page for pictures of their painted coasters! They did a great job! 

Just a reminder- students may not bring in fast food for their sack lunches.

I  hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy the extra day off on Monday!!

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

 Dear Parents, Well, CSW is over and we are back to normal!! I love CSW, but having a routine is nice too! 

Important Dates:

Feb. 11-  Spirit Day

Feb. 14- Valentine's Day celebration

Feb, 16- 4th grade mass

Feb. 21- No School/ PD Day

Feb. 25- Spirit Day

Mar. 2- Ash Wednesday/ Lent begins

Mar. 4- Spirit Day

Mar. 5- Auction and Dinner

Valentines- The kids may bring in their Valentines on Monday. We will celebrate then! 

Math- This week I am teaching them to use compatible numbers when estimating with division. It is easier than just rounding because this way there won't be a remainder for sure.  They do have to pick compatible numbers though so that it works evenly. They really just need to know their basic facts to figure it out. I let them use their multiplication table when needed. Don't worry, they won't be bringing this home to you! We do this in my room so you don't have to stress. I told them I never learned this when I was in school, but it is so much easier than rounding when dividing. 

Reading- This week we are reading the story Lunch Money.  This is about a boy who makes his own comic book. He sells them at school for 25 cents. We are only reading a small portion of the book so they would need to read the book to find out how well he does in selling them. He does every part of creating these. They are the size of a credit card. In grammar this week we are working on adjectives- words that describe nouns.  On Tuesday, they had to find the noun and then find the adjective or adjectives that described that noun. Once those were located, they had to tell me if they adjective answered- how many? what kind? or origin? The origin were pretty easy to identify because they were capitalized- Asian, American, Japanese,etc. On Wednesday,they had to find the linking verb first and then locate the adjective that followed it. 

FAST Scores- Sorry, I kept forgetting to send home their FAST reading scores! They are in their folders! They did GREAT!!!! 

Religion- We are finishing up our chapter on baptism and confirmation. They will have a test on Monday.  Lent will be starting at the beginning of March. It might be a good idea to start talking to your kids about what they are planning on doing for Lent this year. 

Spirit Day on Friday! Wear sweats for $1!

Any auction donations??? Send them in! Get your tickets for the dinner or put your order for the food if you are watching from home! 

Next week in art we will work on our silent auction item of coasters. 

I hope you have a great weekend! 

God Bless, 
Miss Surma

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

 Dear Parents, Happy Catholic Schools Week! It's been busy, but so much fun to celebrate our school! 

Feb. 4- Book Reports Due

Feb. 11-  Spirit Day

Feb. 14- Valentine's Day celebration

Feb, 16- 4th grade mass

Feb. 21- No School/ PD Day

Feb. 25- Spirit Day

Mar. 4- Spirit Day

Mar. 5- Auction and Dinner

Thursday- They will need a sack lunch and drink for when we return from the YMCA. We won't be swimming now because their pool is broken and won't be fixed until March 1. They can wear sweats that day! I don't care if they wear shorts as long as they have sweats to wear over them for the ride to and from the YMCA. 

Friday- I have everyone's slips for Grandparents' Mass. They will be picked up here at 1:00 and then they will leave with their guest after mass is over. Please make sure you have talked to them about how to pick up your child from school. Mrs. Simmons has sent home directions I believe earlier this week by email.  We aren't doing a reception in the basement this year. They need to dress up in mass day attire. 

Math- They have been working on division with either the standard algorithm or dividing by partial quotients. I let them choose their way. You know the standard way. Not to worry, I try not to let them have math as homework with this because I don't want you frustrated with partial quotients if you've never done it! In reality, it's a lot easier mentally! Next week we will be back in the book and start dividing with double digit divisors. 

Reading- This week is the unit 3 test. They will begin a new unit on Monday which will mean the spelling test will be back on Monday! Their book reports are due on Friday! 

Auction- The St. Malachy Foundation Auction/ Dinner is set for March 5. This year it is in person at Crestmoor as well as online!  Please send in your donations for the auction basket ASAP. Our wing is putting this together. So far we have 6 donations. Please do what you can to help! We will take care of the silent auction item at school. 

Valentines- We will celebrate on Valentine's Day. The students may bring in treats/candy for their classmates that day. ❤❤❤❤❤❤

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 

God Bless, 

Miss Surma