Hello Parents, I hope you are having a great week! The sun is such a huge help!
Cross Walk- Just a reminder that I need your child's permission form returned before they can go on the walk. They need to wear a white shirt or polo that day for our group picture. I am recommending they at least have a sweatshirt or hoodie for the walk looking at the temps for Thursday. They will also need a sack lunch and drink that day.
Friday- No school for the kids. We will have PD that day. Happy Good Friday!
Math- This week we finished up the chapter with word problems. There were many steps for them on some of the problems. They had to add and subtract. They even had to work with sales tax a little bit! We will be doing our dress rehearsal for the math test this week. It looks like they will take the test on Monday or Tuesday.
Reading- This week they are reading a historical fiction story called Tuck's Travels. This story takes place roughly in the 1800s. Tuck is 15 and on his own trying to survive when he comes across two other kids whose parents died due to cholera. The three of them are now on the run from the Comancheros. If caught, there is a chance they will be sold into slavery.
In grammar this week they are focusing on the verb forms of BE and HAVE as well as verb phrases. They will test over this story on Thursday since we don't have school on Friday. That also means their spelling test will be on Thursday.
Book Reports- They are busy working on these! Many have finished reading their book and taking notes. They are busy working on their Google Slides.
Religion- They are testing over this chapter on Thursday. They have been learning about the Sacraments of Healing-- Penance and Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick.
My plan next week is to show them the old movie The Ten Commandments. I usually show it during Holy Week, but with our chapter ending, I didn't want the interruption.
Mass- They 5th graders will be doing mass on April 7. The kids who had parts in the 4th grade mass, will not have a part this time. I have given the parts out so they should be practicing at home with you.
Growth Talk Video- Just to let you know I did watch the video over spring break. It isn't the same one the kids have seen in the past. This one is not separated into two videos. I am just letting you know now...when I do show it...the girls will be hearing about boys and the boys will be hearing about girls. I will still separate them into two rooms so they don't have to watch together. I will also do this at the end of the day whenever I choose to show it. It just makes it a lot more comfortable for all the kids. 😌 They go home shortly after that.
ISASP Testing- Just a reminder this is coming up in a couple of weeks.
Have a terrific weekend and a blessed Easter!
God Bless,
Miss Surma
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