Wednesday, March 24, 2021

 Hello Parents, I hope everyone enjoyed their spring break! I ended up going to Waterloo and seeing my siblings for a couple of days. It was so good to see family in person again! 

Reading- They are taking their unit test this week. On Friday, I am going to start our next story since next week is a 4 day week. That way I won't have to cram stuff into 4 days.  So they will have a spelling pretest on Friday. I haven't told them that yet.  I showed them the Google slides I made on my dad as an example for their future book report. We are going to go over specifics on Thursday. On Friday, we will pick out books. If they can't find one at school, they will need to look elsewhere. 

Math- We started our week with subtracting decimals. We then moved into figuring out which number comes next in a series of numbers. They had to figure out the rule of add or subtract and by how much. That was a little tricky for some of them. We have a couple of lessons left in this chapter and then we will be testing. I don't think the actual test will happen next week, I haven't mapped that out yet. 

Religion- We are working on our chapter of the Sacraments of Healing. Those would be Penance and Reconciliation as well as Anointing of the Sick. Both of these sacraments can be received more than once. They will test over this chapter next week. 

April 12- On the original school calendar we didn't have school on that day. That is now changed. Due to our snow days, we ARE going to be in school that day! Our last day of school is now May 28. 

Donations- We are still taking donations for the Food Shelf if you'd like to help out. We will deliver them next week on our Cross Walk. 

Paper Towels- I hate to ask for this, but I am out of these in the classroom. I don't want everyone to donate! I don't have the room for them, but I could use maybe 5 rolls. If you can help out, that would be so great! I am doing just great on the wipes! 

Cross Walk- Look in your child's Take Home Folder for information on the Cross Walk! 

No School on April 2, Good Friday. There is PD for teachers that day! 

The ISASP testing week is coming up the week of April 12. These are the new Iowa Assessments. These are different. They will not fill in bubble sheets. These tests are online. I am going to talk to the 5th graders about taking these seriously. We did the ACRE religion test before break, and I am not sure they understood that it was a test...even though Mrs. Simmons talked to them beforehand. I had quite a few kids just blurting out during the test and disrupting others. Their focus seemed to be on how many questions and NOT the actual questions. I don't want to see or hear that during the ISASP. They will need a book to read in-between tests. They all have to have head phones or ear buds. I know I have a handful of kids that I keep telling them they need to get new ones...with no luck. Please talk to your child and ask them if they have headphones or ear buds.  This is not something I will let them go to the hallway  to do so they don't disturb the others. They have to have them! Thank your for the help! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

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