Wednesday, February 10, 2021

 Hello Parents! Don't you just looooove this weather? NOT ME! I am so ready for spring. Actually as I put the calendar up on my blog, I couldn't believe I was already mentioning Spring Break. Where is this year going? I also thought about last year... we said good-bye at conferences and then didn't return! 

Reading- This week they are reading a realistic fiction story called Lunch Money.  Andrew Clements is the the author. This story is about a 6th grader named Greg who has created his own comic book that he is selling to his classmates for $0.25. He calls it Chunky Comics. He has created three characters to represent the past, present, and future.  His goal is to sell 100 of them. He does all work for them. He does the drawing, writing, printing, and binding of them. We talked about the setting of the story and I got distracted I think. I ended up telling them about the book I am reading. It takes place during the depression and the dust bowl. I was trying to tell them about the dust bowl. I found pictures online, I will have to show them. The stock market crashing is a bit difficult to explain and understand. 

In grammar we are working on adjectives. They answer the questions, what kind, which one, how many, and origin. We had to talk about origin being places in the world and that they would be capitalized so that makes them easier to pick out. These would be words like: American, Japanese, Asian, etc. The hard part for them is finding the noun first to figure out what word might be describing it. 

Their spelling this week are words that end in -ed or -ing. The trick there is that some of the consonants in the sentence have to be doubled...(beginning, grabbed)

Unit 3 test scores are in their folders this week. I can definitely tell some don't look back in the stories to find the answers. There is one in particular that sticks out. It asked them the background of the illustration. The picture is showing "It's raining cats and dogs". Many chose "fashion" as their answer. The answer was "weather". 

FAST Testing- This week we have been testing in reading and math. Mrs. Struble is here today for me so I can do the reading tests with them. They worked on the math and the other reading test on Monday and Tuesday.

Religion- They shared their saint reports. We also focused on the symbols used in baptism and confirmation. They will probably test early next week. Then we will get into Lent. I will have them make their Lenten promises on Tuesday. That might be a good conversation to have at home first just so you are aware of what their plan is. I know many take into account spring break. I always tell them that if they are giving up something, they shouldn't pick something that the family will wish they hadn't. Father Halbur always told about his friend who gave up coffee and then life was miserable for his wife. 😉

Auction- Thank you for the donations! We have the items ordered from Pampered Chef. I will share a picture when it is done! Tiffany Ossian is going to come in on Tuesday to work on the silent auction item with the kids. 

Valentines- Friday afternoon around 2 pm we will celebrate Valentines. If your child is passing them out, have them bring them on Friday. Thanks! 

Spirit Day- Friday is Spirit Day! Sweats for $1

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Stay warm and stay healthy! 

God Bless, 

Miss Surma

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