Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Hello Parents, 
Well, I think your kids are surviving Iowa Assessments. Thank you to the PTO for the snacks! I really think those help the kids out. It fills their stomach and is a good brain break.  We will wrap up our testing on Thursday. 

Reading- We didn't do a story this week due to testing, but I am going to start a new one on Friday. Next week is a short week because we don't have school, but the 5th graders also lose some of their normal reading time on Thursday. They will help me set the tables for our Seder Meal. So right now, the plan is to start on Friday and be done on Wednesday of next week. That means their spelling test and end of the week test will be on Wednesday. 

Math- This week we have been able to do math in our afternoons. On Monday I showed them how to divide decimals into decimals. Do you remember moving the decimal in both places??? That is the trick for them. 

Food Pantry- We will be working at the Food Pantry on Friday. We will also be carrying all the donations that we have received during Lent. Thanks so much for those! I know Mark and Mary will appreciate them! Friday is supposed to be much colder than these first days this week. I am reminding the kids to have a jacket or coat for our walk down there. It is also a Spirit Day-- so they can wear sweats! That might be a great thing with the cooler temperatures! 

Spirit Day on Friday! 

Seder Meal- Next Thursday we will have the Seder Meal with the entire school. The 5th graders typically help me out. We set up the tables for the meal.  

Cross Walk- We will also do the Cross Walk  afterwards. That is something you are welcome to join us for if you are free and interested. We will meet in the courtyard by 12:30 to start our journey. Your children should wear a plain white shirt or t-shirt for the walk because they will take another picture at the church before we leave. 

Substitute- I will be gone on Tuesday, April 16 for my Tier 2 class that I am taking with Mrs. Sickels. I believe Mrs. Weight will be here as my sub. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I am heading back to Waterloo for my niece Emily's prom. 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

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