Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Dear Parents, 
Happy Thursday! I hope you are having a good week! We are actually putting in a full week it seems! I really hope I didn't just jinx that! 😉

Math- This week  they are working on multiplying decimals with whole numbers. It is nice to be reminding them of their multiplication facts! They are doing great, but they just need to remember where to put the decimal. On Wednesday, they did some story problems with finding totals or missing amounts by drawing diagrams. 

Reading - This week we are reading a piece from The Black Stallion.  A boy Alec and a wild stallion are stranded on an island together, but don't really have a relationship. They are working on creating that trust with each other. In grammar they are learning about how the mechanics of writing titles: books, magazines, movies, TV shows, songs, plays, poems,etc. When we write we underline the title, but if they are using a computer they can use italics. We also use quotation marks around things like TV shows or newspaper articles. They have a cheat sheet to use as a guide to remember all the rules. 
This week the spelling clue was-- Words from other countries! I wish you could have seen their faces and heard them. They were really worried and then I read the first word-- salsa. OH!!!!!  They felt much better after that! ha ha ha

Unit Test- Next week they will be testing over Unit 4. I will go over scores during Spring Break. There will not be a spelling test next week. 

3rd Book Report- I also told them that we will go over their final book report of the year next week. This one is an autobiography or biography. The library has quite a few. I do too ,but if they can't find one here, they will have to look elsewhere. I don't care if it is something they have to download, but just make sure I can check it out first to make sure. 

Religi0n- This chapter is covering the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. This is good because they will be receiving this sacrament before Easter with Father Halbur. We always have a good discussion on the different sins: mortal and venial. By the way, I told them that slamming a door isn't really a sin, but it can be considered rude. There was some debate on that one.

Lenten Angels- This will start next week Wednesday. 

Spirit Day on Friday, March 8!!!

Book Fair- The book fair will be here during conferences.  They are going to help the first graders next week make their wish lists. 

Conferences are next week! You have all signed up! I will see you either Tuesday or Thursday! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 
God Bless,
Miss Surma

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