Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Dear Parents,
Well, I hope everyone is having a good week! It was our most normal week with this weather! 
Biz Town was a success! The kids all said they had a great time! They were so good. They worked so hard. I think they got a little taste of real life. Thank you to all my volunteers! I hope you had a great time too! Make sure to check out my Facebook page to see all the pictures! 

Reading- This week we are reading a story called Darnell Rock Reporting. Darnell wrote an article for the newspaper about the deteriorating basketball court and trying to turn it into a community garden for the homeless.  There was another student who opposed it, and wanted to turn it into a parking lot for the teachers of their school. Both of them had to share their views at the city council meeting. Darnell lost the vote, but someone in the community wanted to donate other land for his idea. We had a good discussion on the pros and cons of this issue. They will test over this story and their spelling words on Friday.

Math- Now that BizTown is done, we will get back into our math books on Thursday. Our new chapter is about multiplying decimals. They will first learn to multiply decimals and whole numbers, but they will also learn how to multiply decimals X decimals. 

Religion- They have a religion test on Thursday! 

Ash Wednesday is on March 6. We will be distributing ashes at mass on Wednesday. I will also be talking to all my religion classes about what they want to do this during Lent this year. They need to be thinking.  We will also have a noisy change collection for the Nigerian Seminary on Ash Wednesday. You are welcome to join us for mass. This is not a holy day of obligation, but I know we will have many extra people attending mass that day. 

FYI- Influenza is in the room. I had Adolfo clean and disinfect my room and Mrs. Sickels' while we were gone to Biz Town. I will be stressing to the kids to wash their hands regularly. It is actually showing up later than usual. Catholic Schools Week is when it typically hits it seems. 

If you don't have plans for Saturday night, please think about going to the St. Malachy Foundation Auction and Dinner. Tickets are being sold in the office. It is a great time! The 3-5 Car Care basket is GREAT! I have seen the 5th grade silent auction item as well. It is super cute!  If the weather is good, I won't be there this year. I am bummed, but I have a baby shower to go to in Waverly for my niece. I guess if Mother Nature decides we need more of the same, I will be at the auction! 

Have a great weekend!  
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

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