Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Happy Wednesday Parents, 
I hope you are having a good week. Did you enjoy the snow this past weekend? It sounds like our next round won't be as much, but I am not excited for the cold and wind that follows it. 

Math- This week they have been continuing to add and subtract decimals, but we've also been reading story problems that require them to make a table to solve or to fill out a checkbook. I am hoping that by Friday we will be ending our chapter and they will be doing a review. If I can stick with that plan, then their test will be on Tuesday of next week. I will see how the rest of the week goes. 

Reading- This week we read two short biographies on two kids who had a role in the Revolutionary War. The first one was Joseph Martin. He was a volunteer soldier ( militiaman) for the war. He signed up as a teenager for 6  months. After his tour was done he became a farmer, but became bored with that after a year. He rejoined the military and was in it for another 6 years. Our 2nd person was a 16 year old girl. Her name was Sybil Ludington. She was like Paul Revere. She went out in the dark of night on a horse to warn farmers that they were needed. She actually rode over 40 miles that night. Paul Revere road much less. They will have a test on Friday over the story and spelling. 

This is our final story in our unit. Next week they will be taking a unit test. I am going to see how things go with that. I may start our next story on Friday due to the next week being Catholic Schools Week. I am not sure yet. I will let you know. 

We are also screening for our winter reading fluency this week and probably into next week. I will send all scores home when I am done. The goal this time is 151 words a minute. We did trial runs last week to get them in the groove! 😁

Religion- we will get back into it on Thursday. We didn't have it today or yesterday due to our late start.

Spirit Day- This Friday they can wear sweats for $1! It is also our day to go work at the Food Pantry. I think the weather will hold off for us to be able to do that! 

Auction- Letters went home last week to donate to our basket. Please do what you can. Those are due by Feb. 15. 

Biz Town- In your child's folder is a letter about going to Biz Town. This is our field trip for our 4th and 5th graders this year. Please read the letter.  We will start working with them in our classrooms. I am waiting until after we are done with this math chapter. 

Trivia Night- It is set for this Saturday. We are praying the weather won't force us to move it. If you like trivia and a fun night out-- please join us! We have tables available. There will be drinks and appetizers. This is a fundraiser we put on so that we can attend the NCEA Conference in Chicago in April. We went to St. Louis two years ago. 

I hope everyone has a good weekend! Stay safe and warm. 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."-- Jeremiah 29:13

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