Hello Parents! I hope your week is going well! We have been busy this week!
Reading- This week we read a story called Darnell Rock Reporting. It was about a boy who wrote a newspaper article asking that a deteriorating basketball court be turned into a community garden for the homeless in his community. The opposing article was by a girl in his class who wanted to turn it into a parking lot for the teachers at their school. It was a great discussion we had in class about both sides and even though he lost with the town council...he still won. Another person asked him to write another article about another piece of land being donated for that garden. We talked about how his article and the homeless person that spoke up pulled at the heartstrings of the reader to see his side of the story. This is a powerful way to persuade people to your side.
In grammar we are creating lists of different kinds of pronouns. I made them separate lists and they cut them out and glued them into their vocabulary notebook. They even added some words to their lists. I know the grammar piece has gotten harder these last few weeks. I'm hoping creating this notebook now and in the future will help them out. I know it is a challenge when we jump each week to another part of speech.
We will have one more story in this unit to read next week and then we are doing another unit test. This unit feels like it flew by!
Book Reports are due on Friday!!!
Math- This week are working on multiplying whole numbers and decimals. A lot of our story problems have been multi-step. There is more than just multiplication going on in them. They are dealing a lot with money. This will help with BizTown math! We are about half way through this chapter.
Speaking of BizTown, in your child's Take Home Folder is a letter from me. I am asking for 7 volunteers that can spend the day with us at BizTown. You will need some training before you can go. The letter gives you that information. Please let me know as soon as possible. Sorry I can only take 7!
Religion- We have been working on a chapter of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation. They have been focusing on baptism and confirmation. They will be working on a study guide this week. The test will be on Monday. Lent is quickly approaching. I will be talking to them about making their Lenten Promise on March 1 (Ash Wednesday). I usually remind them that for those 40 days they can give up something that might be difficult,but shouldn't make the rest of the family miserable. 😄😄 They don't have to give up something..it can be doing something instead. They can donate money to the church or a cause. They can donate their time to someone or an event. They can read more, pray more, write letters to someone who doesn't live nearby...the list goes on and on.
Friday, Feb. 17 - Sack Lunch is optional
Saturday, Feb. 25- Trivia Night at the Lobby. Social hour is at 6 pm. Trivia begins at 7.
Auction- Thank you for the donations that have come in this week! We appreciate it! If you still want to help out, you certainly can! The auction is set for March 4! Hope to see you there!
I hope everyone has a great weekend! The weather sounds perfect! Bring on spring! I am heading home to Doon. I haven't been home since Christmas so I plan on hanging out and checking papers!
God Bless,
Miss Surma
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