Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Happy Thursday Parents! I hope you are enjoying these spring like temps! Reality will be here on Friday...winter isn't really over yet. 

Reading- This week we read a short excerpt from Black Stallion.  This part of the story is really with the main character Alec figuring out how to build a relationship with Black. They are on this uninhabited island together. Black does help Alec by killing a snake! Alec doesn't give up and keeps trying until he is successful in being able to ride Black. 

Grammar- This week they are working on the mechanics of capitalizing and punctuation rules for books, magazine, poems, songs, TV shows, movies, etc. The clue that sometimes helps me is that if I can hold it in my hand... I underline it. I can hold a book. I can hold a movie. I can't hold an episode of a TV show. We also talked about how capitalize the most important words in a title. We for sure do the first and last, but the shorter words or shorter prepositions, or articles don't usually get capitalized. We did make reminder pages in their notebook with some examples. 

Spelling- This week their clue before the pretest was that these words are from different languages. I always love telling them that! They all worry until they hear the first word...salsa. "Ohhhhh!!!"  is the usual response. We do learn some words they might not use daily like dungarees, tycoon, or siesta. 

This is our last story in this unit. That means next week will be another unit test. They won't have any spelling next week. The week after that will be Iowa Assessments. I don't plan on doing a story that week either. They will be doing plenty of reading that week. 

Math- We are working on multiplying decimals this week. The trick is knowing where to put that decimal. They are doing really well. This is a short chapter. They will be testing next week in this too. Once we are done, I plan on starting BizTown. 

BizTown- At this point I have 4 parents that have said YES to helping us out! Please look at your schedule to see if you can join us that day! It is a lot of fun!

Religion- Next Wednesday will be Ash Wednesday. They will receive ashes that day at school. I have already talked to the kids about thinking what they want to do during Lent. They will fill out their promises on Tuesday.  We have started our next chapter on the Sacraments of Healing. Right now they are working on skits to perform in class on Thursday. 

Auction- Thank you so much for all the donations towards our book basket! I think it will be great! I also think the silent auction item is going to be really cool! If you don't have plans for March 4-- get your ticket and join us at the dinner and auction! It is always a GREAT time! 

Trivia Night is this Saturday at The Lobby. Social hour is at 6 with the questions beginning at 7! 

Conference Sign Up- I sent out emails for you to sign up for your conferences. I am planning on doing them a little every night. Sign up soon! 

Have a great weekend! 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Hello Parents! I hope your week is going well! We have been busy this week!

Reading- This week we read a story called Darnell Rock Reporting. It was about a boy who wrote a newspaper article asking that a deteriorating basketball court be turned into a community garden for the homeless in his community. The opposing article was by a girl in his class who wanted to turn it into a parking lot for the teachers at their school. It was a great discussion we had in class about both sides and even though he lost with the town council...he still won. Another person asked him to write another article about another piece of land being donated for that garden. We talked about how his article and the homeless person that spoke up pulled at the heartstrings of the reader to see his side of the story. This is a powerful way to persuade people to your side.

In grammar we are creating lists of different kinds of pronouns. I made them separate lists and they cut them out and glued them into their vocabulary notebook. They even added some words to their lists. I know the grammar piece has gotten harder these last few weeks. I'm hoping creating this notebook now and in the future will help them out. I know it is a challenge when we jump each week to another part of speech.

We will have one more story in this unit to read next week and then we are doing another unit test. This unit feels like it flew by!

Book Reports are due on Friday!!! 

Math- This week are working on multiplying whole numbers and decimals. A lot of our story problems have been multi-step. There is more than just multiplication going on in them. They are dealing a lot with money. This will help with BizTown math! We are about half way through this chapter.

Speaking of BizTown, in your child's Take Home Folder is a letter from me. I am asking for 7 volunteers that can spend the day with us at BizTown. You will need some training before you can go. The letter gives you that information. Please let me know as soon as possible. Sorry I can only take 7!

Religion- We have been working on a chapter of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation. They have been focusing on baptism and confirmation. They will be working on a study guide this week. The test will be on Monday.  Lent is quickly approaching. I will be talking to them about making their Lenten Promise on March 1 (Ash Wednesday). I usually remind them that for those 40 days they can give up something that might be difficult,but shouldn't make the rest of the family miserable. 😄😄 They don't have to give up can be doing something instead. They can donate money to the church or a cause. They can donate their time to someone or an event. They can read more, pray more, write letters to someone who doesn't live nearby...the list goes on and on.

Friday, Feb. 17 - Sack Lunch is optional 

Saturday, Feb. 25- Trivia Night at the Lobby. Social hour is at 6 pm. Trivia begins at 7. 

Auction- Thank you for the donations that have come in this week! We appreciate it! If you still want to help out, you certainly can! The auction is set for March 4! Hope to see you there!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! The weather sounds perfect! Bring on spring! I am heading home to Doon. I haven't been home since Christmas so I plan on hanging out and checking papers! 
God Bless,
Miss Surma

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

St.Malachy does have school on Wednesday, Feb. 15. The public school does not. If you are attending the wrestling meet, let me know so I can get your kids their homework! 
Hello Parents, As I write actually looks like winter outside! The kids are excited to play in the snow!

Reading- This week we read a story called The Dog Newspaper by Peg Kehret. It is her autobiography on how she wrote a newspaper about her dog BJ. BJ was her uncle's dog. He was found in a bombed out building during WWII. He was the only survivor of his litter. She discovered after 4 issues that her paper wasn't selling many copies. We also talked about facts and opinions. They had to find some in the story on Tuesday. We had to discuss what makes it a fact vs an opinion.
Their grammar this week is prepositions. They had adverbs last week. Those are difficult. We did a little more work with them on Monday after I looked over last week's test.

This is the 3rd story in our unit. They will have a cold read to do on Friday. I did take out the decoding section this week.

Quizlet- They are all now able to do this during free time. They are really enjoying competing against each other! Sorry for the hassle at home. I think this is just a school thing. We can't seem to get it to work at home. They also will be doing it with Mrs. Sickel's social studies words.

The book report is fast approaching! The due date is 9 days away!! February 17!!!!

Math- They started multiplying whole numbers and decimals this week. The first lesson was realizing how the decimal moves to the right or left. On Wednesday, they got the chance to actually multiply using the standard algorithm. 

Religion- Last week they used their Chromebooks to look up saints. They each picked one and then took some notes on that person' s life.  This week they are sharing their information with the class. 

Spirit Day is this Friday! Sweats for $1!!!!

Food Pantry Day-- We will walk down on Friday to help out again! Hopefully the temps will be as promised! 50s!!! 

Valentine's Party- They will pass out Valentines on Tuesday afternoon. I did make a bag for Mrs. Kendrick. She helps out during math every day! The kids might want to include her. I don't anything major...their treats to each other are usually enough. We do have a birthday that day as well. 

Auction- Last week you received a flyer about our auction basket. Remember all donations are due back on Feb. 17. Please do what you can to help our basket out! 

Have a great weekend! God Bless,
Miss Surma

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Happy Thursday Parents, I hope you are having a GREAT week! We are certainly enjoying Catholic Schools Week! 

Reading- This week we are reading a story called LAFFF. This one is science fiction about a girl who uses her neighbor's invention of a time machine to help her create an award winning story for a contest at school. The time machine can only go to the future and for a short time. You should ask your kids about the story. There is a great twist at the end!!! Plus we had to discuss what going back in time or to the future can do to things in the present day! 

We are also working on adverbs. Those can be tricky little buggers! They can describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs! 

Book Report- They will have 2 weeks to finish the book and get their project done as of tomorrow, Friday. I know some are already done reading and have created their project. This is just a reminder.

Hidden Figures movie was such a GREAT movie. I think they liked most of it. We had great discussions afterwards about the kind of math those women could do! Amazing. We also talked about the racism  against the blacks and the sexism against women in general at that time. So much to learn from that movie! If you haven't gone, you really should!

Math- They took the test on Wednesday! We won't have math anymore this week, but I will see about making time to do corrections if we need to. I am not sure if you will see the test this week or I may wait until Monday. Our next chapter will be on multiplying decimals.

Mass- Next week on the 8th is our 5th grade mass. I hope to give your kids their parts on Friday. 

Mass on Friday-- I told your kids, but just make sure they see me after church if they are going home with their grandparents or special guests. 

Have a great weekend!
God Bless,
Miss Surma