Thursday, November 14, 2024

 Hello Families! I hope you're having a  great week! Temperatures are changing. Please make sure your child comes to school with at least a sweatshirt to wear at recess! 

Calendar Dates: 

Nov. 18- Field Trip to Biz Town

Nov. 20- Advent Activity Night

Nov. 21- PTO Meeting 

Nov. 22- Spirit Day

Nov. 27-Dec. 1 - Thanksgiving break

Dec. 4- Christmas Concert

Monday- The 5th graders will need a sack lunch with a drink on Monday. No POP.  They also need to dress in mass day attire. They can bring things to do on the car ride.  We are leaving at 7:30 AM! They will not get breakfast at school that day.  Parents- please remember your own lunch with a drink! Please be here before 7:30 on Monday. Thank you!!! This is such a fun day! The kids will be tired after their day at work! 

Religion- They finished up their chapter on the 7 sacraments. We also took some time to learn a little bit about Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini before Wednesday's mass which was her memorial.  Our next chapter will be learning about the Beatitudes. 

Math- We spent a couple of days working on Biz Town- remembering how to fill out our checkbooks and trackers. We have also moved on to multiplying three digits by two digits. 

Reading- We are continuing to work on our story which is actually a poem. This week the kids had to go through and find rhyming words. They had to find a poem that depicts imagery. They had to find a repeated verse as well as identify a stanza.  in grammar they are working on action, helping, and linking verbs. They have got a list of examples in their composition book that they can refer to! They will most likely test over this next week sometime. This is also the last story in our module. They will be  taking module test as well. 

Read-A-Thon- in your child's folder is the information on one of the PTO's fundraiser. They can use the minutes  they do for this on their Book-IT Calendar as well. I know one of the days is Double the Minutes!  There is also a pajama day on the 26th! 

Advent Activity Night- On November 20th, if it fits your schedule, come to St. Malachy for a fun night along with families from the RE Program. STM teachers will be there providing games and activities! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I will probably be cleaning! I am trying to get rid of a mouse in my house! UGH! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

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