Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Dear Parents,

It's my last blog! I cannot believe our year is almost over. Where did the time go??

Just a few reminders at first. 

Tonight the concert starts at 6. Band kids should be there by 5:30 and non-band by 5:45. Wear mass Day attire. 

Thursday- They should have an empty book bag with them to school so they can clean out their desks and lockers. 

Friday is  Field Day. You are welcome to come and watch. We are doing a clap out for the 8th graders around noon. It is a 3 hour early out so the kids will not get lunch here . Make sure they wear tennis shoes for the field day events! 

Okay, so now I am going to be a little mushy. I have truly enjoyed every minute with this group of kids. I am really not ready to let them go, but I can tell they are ready for summer and 6th grade. I don't think there hasn't been a day when they haven't made me chuckle or laugh out loud for some reason. They are just such great supporters for each other. They are willing to help and try new things out! They have buckets of energy. I think they will do well in middle school. I know I will miss walking into the music room to pick them up and hearing their beautiful voices sing! I hope all of you have a wonderful summer! Do something fun! I don't have major plans but to read the books that are piling up on my bookshelves. I do have plans for a weekend at Okoboji with my sisters in August.  

I love your kids! I will miss them!! Enjoy your summer!!! 


Miss Surma

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