Wednesday, December 6, 2023

 Hello Parents, 

Well, it's been an off and on couple of weeks since coming back from Thanksgiving. Lots of short fuses and picking at each other. Not every day, but it feels like it sometimes. It's nothing horrible! Don't worry. I just think we are getting on each other's nerves.  I think we are just in that Christmas mode and ready for a longer break. We will make it through! Only 2 more weeks! They may nag at each other in one minute, but then they are all giggles  the next! I love your kids! ❤

 Calendar Dates:

Dec. 6- Christmas Program 6 pm

Dec. 8- Mass/ Holy Day of Obligation/Noisy Change Collection

Dec. 11-15- Coin Wars 

Dec. 14- Sing for CDA at Holy Spirit

Dec. 15- Spirit Day

Dec. 23- Jan. 2- Christmas Break

Permission  Slip- Another one in your child's folder! This one is an invite to the church to sing for the CDA. The ladies are also super sweet and make lunch for us! I told the kids they usually make really good dishes, but if your child is worried...tell them to pack a sack lunch. We usually walk away feeling stuffed. The 5th graders will also sing their Christmas songs for the ladies. I feel lucky that I get to go every year with the 5th graders. Please return ASAP. 

Reading- They took their selection quiz on Tuesday over our hurricane story. They took their weekly module test on Wednesday. They also took their spelling test. On Thursday, we will take the Module Test (unit test).

Religion- We finished up our chapter on the Beatitudes. On Monday we had to create hashtags for what we could do to live like Jesus. That was fun to write! They will test next week! We will then start working on Advent. 

Math- We are working on multiplying larger numbers by two digit numbers. We are also working on some of our factors have 0 in them! They have the process down for the most part, but when it became a number in the hundreds that slowed some of them down. We also have some little errors in adding or not dropping the 0. They are making great strides! 

Coin Wars will start next week!

Don't forget if you can help out by donating to the nursing homes, please do!  We have more people this year! 200! Please help out if you can and thank you to those who already have sent items in ! They are so appreciated! 

Advent Angels activity will begin this Friday! Don't forget we have mass on Friday. It is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. There will also be a Noisy Change Collection at mass. This money goes to help our adopted families. We buy some Christmas presents for them. 

Prayers- I just wanted to let you know that your kids are great at praying for you and others! I feel like every morning during our morning prayer, they keep adding more people to their list. It makes our prayer take a little more time, but I don't care! I love that they care so much for others! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

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