Hello Parents! I just want to know where October went? Actually, where did our first trimester go?? I feel like it is flying by us so quickly!
Calendar Dates:
Oct. 27- Black and Red Day to support Panthers
Oct. 30- Parent Teacher Conference Week
Oct. 31- Celebrating Halloween at school
Nov. 2 - No School/Conferences
Nov. 3- No School/ Comp Day
Reading- this week they have been busy typing their final drafts of their Halloween stories!! Most of them are done all ready! I hope to start sharing them tomorrow or Friday. They will be posted in the hallway. You will be able to check them out during conferences!
We also took our first module test (unit test). I am still grading those. I plan on showing you those during our conference time. I had them take this one on paper so that you can see them. The next one might be on their Chromes.
Book Reports- they all were able to share them on Wednesday. I haven't had the time to grade them yet. I am hoping I can get some done yet this week, but I will for sure get them done over the weekend! They did a great job!
Math- We are working through their BizTown workbooks. We talked this week about making deposits and withdrawals. We worked on writing checks, filling out deposit slips, and debit card receipts. We also focused on getting part of that paycheck in cash and depositing the rest. We also talked about bouncing checks and what happens if you do that. I have talked to them a little about online banking and credit cards as well. They are loving it!
I have talked to them about the fact that not a lot of people write checks anymore... many use their debit cards. Some track their money using their banking apps. We are going old school you could say with BizTown. They are writing checks and keeping track of their account with their transaction book.
There is a letter and permission slip going home in folders on Thursday. Please return the permission slip as soon as possible. The field trip isn't until November 21, but better to get ahead of it all.
Religion- We are back in the book. Our next chapter deals with the seven sacraments. They will only touch on them a little bit. We have chapters coming up that delve deeper into them. I did talk to them about the ACRE test they will take in the spring. It is a standardized religion test that is given to 5th and 8th graders each year. It shows us what they have learned in their religion classes and at mass.
Black and Red Day on Friday to support the Panther football team! Wear your black and red! This is NOT a Spirit Day. No sweats. ❤🏈
Conference Week is next week! Thank you all for picking a time! Monday is pretty packed so don't be surprised when I set an alarm. I don't want to throw all of you off by getting behind.
Halloween- We will celebrate on Halloween! The kids should pack their costume that day! The 6-8 grades are planning on some fun activities before the Halloween Parade. I think they will have a busy afternoon! You are welcome to join us for the parade in the gym! It's usually a packed house! If you are taking your child home after the parade, make sure you let the office know beforehand. 👻👻👻
November 1- All Saints Day is a holy day of obligation. We will celebrate it at school on Wednesday at mass.
October Book It Calendars are due on November 1!!! Make sure you have signed them! I will give them their November calendar that same day. The goal will be the same- 600 minutes.
I hope everyone has a good weekend! I pray that "s" word I heard the meteorologists use doesn't occur! I am not ready to see that stuff!
God Bless,
Miss Surma