Thursday, September 21, 2023

 Dear Parents, It sounded like the kids had a great weekend with football, volleyball, camping, and Balloon Days!  I enjoyed listening to so many of them in the Children's Choir at mass on Sunday! 

Calendar Dates:

Sept. 21- PTO Meeting/ Social 6 pm

Sept. 22- Homecoming/3 hr Early Out

Oct. 4- No Mass/ Rosary led by the 5th grade

Oct. 13- No School/ PD Day for Teachers

Oct. 25- Book Reports Due

Math- We are finishing up our chapter this week! I am thinking they will have a test next week. I think it will most likely be on Monday or Tuesday. We will see how the practice test goes. 

Religion- This week they had to draw pictures to represent the Blessed Trinity. I will try to post a picture on Facebook to show you all of them! They are wrapping up this chapter as well. They will take a test next week. Just like in the past, they will have a study guide for the test.  Next week we will start practicing the Rosary. They will be leading it for the entire school on October 4 because Father Patrick is gone that day. There won't be a mass. You are welcome to join us for the Rosary! 

They did an outstanding job at mass on Wednesday!!! 

Homecoming Friday- It is a Spirit Day! They can wear their sweats and/or hats for $1. They can also wear any Panther gear  as well as their tattoos if they ordered them! 

Reading- This week they read a fantasy story about a man who was trying to build something to make him airborne, but not an airplane. We giggled over his attempts and the pictures they included.  In grammar they are working on writing compound sentences with conjunctions and commas as well as making sure their subjects and verbs work together! I am hoping that we will be back in time from the pep rally tomorrow to do the spelling test and cold read test. 

I'd like to say scores improved last week, but they really didn't. I told the kids they need to read and reread before answering questions. One of the questions was putting 4 events from the story in chronological order. That is tough to do, but you also need to be patient and reread to check. I think grammar took a hit because they got the kinds of sentences mixed up. They did improve on their short answers though! Some of them really wrote a lot more! I told them the more they write to explain the better chance they have at getting the full points.  I wish the tests had more questions to prove their knowledge. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I am off to Waterloo and Dubuque. My niece is a senior at Loras College and is senior day at her soccer game!  Excited to hopefully get to see her play!

God Bless,

Miss Surma

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