Hello Parents! We made it a week! Whew! I think we are slowly establishing a routine to our days! They have even had a little homework to do for me!
Calendar Dates:
Aug. 31- Picture Day
Sept. 1- 3 hour early out/ Spirit Day
Sept. 4 Labor Day/ No School
Sept. 6- Welcome Back Picnic 5-7 pm
Sept. 20- 5th grade mass
Spirit Day- This Friday is Spirit Day. The 5th graders can wear sweatpants and/or a hat and/or sunglasses for $1. The sunglasses will be worn out at recess only...not during class time. I know it is supposed to be pretty warm on Friday, so they may not want to wear sweats. It is optional. They don't have to do either!
Reading- Okay, this new series is sending the teachers into panic mode almost daily. There are a lot of online tools that we can use with the kids...as long as the website is up and running. I don't have a certain flow established yet like I did with the other series. That will come in time. Our story this week is a narrative nonfiction story about Thomas Edison and Henry Ford and their inventions, but it also gives us a tidbit of their friendship. In grammar we are focusing on writing complete sentences that include a subject and predicate. We are also looking at the sentences to see if they are complete, fragments, run-on, or a comma splice. That is a NEW one for me! A comma splice sentence is when you combine two complete sentences with just a comma! I always thought that was a comma and a conjunction- and, but, or or. This one I have to get used to! Their spelling words are using short vowel sounds. They did a worksheet on Wednesday with the group sorting their spelling words based on the sounds. I do plan on giving them a post test on Friday. They were given a list on Monday. I told them to take it home and put it on the fridge so they could practice their words with you. Some of them got a highlighted list. The new series has a weekly assessment, but it is more like a cold read story they need to read and answer questions. Some of the questions will be about the story and others will be about the skills we have worked on.
Math- They took a readiness test on Tuesday. This just shows me what they remember from 4th grade math. On Wednesday, they did another little review and then we dived into the chapter! Our first lesson was on exponents. I told them this is a teaser for Algebra! They had to solve multiplication problems using the number 10 with an exponent. I think I need to learn how to type exponents on here so I can show you! They really seemed to catch on and enjoy it! I know not every day will be like this, but don't worry. I told them if they don't get it, they will work with me one on one! I don't want them frustrated to the point of tears! Although, I know there will be days like that in the future. Those are math growing pains.
Religion- We discussed the Bible and how it is made up. They will be working on an assignment searching for certain verses in the Bible and then recording the title for me.
Early out on Friday- it is 3 hours early so lunch will not be served. Mrs. Burg, Mrs. Sickels, and I did talk and I will take them out for a short recess before they go home.
🚗🚘🚙 Just a reminder for parents and grandparents who pick up their kids in the car line. Please make sure you look over the directions on the website or that Mrs. Simmons sent home last week. We are trying to provide the quickest and safest pick up for your kids. If you have someone new to the routine picking them up, please make sure to go over that with them as well. Thank you!!!
Welcome Back Picnic is set for next Wednesday from 5-7 here at school. We have it in the courtyard. Keep a look out for more information!
I hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy that extra day! If you are planning on going to Fridays After Five at the Elks on Friday, I may see you there! This is the last one and it is for the STM Foundation! Other than that, I don't have big plans...cleaning my house! 🤣🤣
God Bless,
Miss Surma