Wednesday, February 22, 2023

 Hello Parents! I hope you enjoyed your longer weekend! I got some work done and was able to finish a couple of books I was reading! Our LETRs training on Monday was good! 

Calendar Dates: 

Feb. 24- Spirit Day

Mar. 3 - Book Report Due/ Fish Fry

Mar. 4- STM Foundation Dinner and Auction

Mar.6- 9- Parent Teacher Conferences

Mar. 10-19 Spring Break

Math- Okay, we did division with partial quotients for a couple of days. Now we begin the process of learning to divide using the standard algorithm. I go pretty slow at the beginning. Some catch on quickly, others will not. I already told the 5th graders that I won't be surprised if we have some tears being shed over this. That's okay!!! It is difficult, but I promise they will learn to divide. Now, if they ask for your help at home, you can! This is stuff you learned, but if they say, "That's not how Miss Surma does it!" just know that I probably do it similar to you, but I might just phrase it differently.  I know there are going to be days ahead of us that we all get frustrated! That is normal! It happens every year! 

Reading- Due to our snow day last week and our day off on Monday, I readjusted the reading schedule a bit. They just took their test on Tuesday from last week. I am not going to have them take a spelling and reading test this Friday. We will read another story and do grammar and spelling lessons, but I am not going to test them on it. 

Book Reports are due on Friday, March 3!!! That is next Friday!!!๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“š

Religion- We are still in our chapter on the sacraments of healing. We filled out our Lenten promises on Tuesday. You might have a conversation with your child on what they decided to do this Lent. They don't have to give up something. They can do something instead. We are working on the GIVE part during our noisy change collections that we will hold in March. The PRAYER part will happen each week in religion. I decided I am going to take each grade to the chapel once a week during religion class and we will say the rosary together. 

Just a reminder that on Fridays, we don't eat meat. If they bring a sack lunch that needs to be meatless. PB &J sandwiches, a cheese sandwich, salad with a dressing, cheese pizza meals, etc. will all work. 

Spirit Day on Friday, February 24- sweats for $1

Make sure you have signed up for a conference time! 

Have a great weekend! 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

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