Wednesday, October 26, 2022

 Hello Parents, I hope everyone is having a great week! Next week is going to be CRAZY!!! 

 Calendar Dates:

Oct. 28- Spirit Day

Oct. 31- Halloween/ Halloween Parade at school @2:30

Oct. 31-Nov.3 Parent Teacher Conferences

Nov. 8- Book Report Due

Nov.8- Pizza Party

Nov.11- Iowa History Project Due

Congratulations to the 5th graders! They won the pizza party for the Coin Wars! Our 3rd graders came in 2nd, and our 2nd graders came in 3rd.  The 5th graders will have pizza for lunch on November 8. The really amazing thing is that over $14,000 was raised for the Honor Flights for Union County!!! What a wonderful cause that is!

Last day to wear shorts is October 31st!

October Book It Calendars are due Nov. 1st!!! Please make sure you sign them! 

Reading- This week they are reading a story on the Everglades in Florida. It is a nonfiction story with the purpose of persuading the kids in the story to take care of them. It will be their responsibility as adults. This week is our 3rd story in this unit. That means on the test they will get a cold read and 10 questions to answer. I am going to focus on that part of the test rather than our story. This week in spelling we are working on homophones... ring and wring, lesson and lessen. I did tell them that on Friday for the posttest I will be mixing them up so they won't be in order...that means they need to know the meaning behind each one as well as the spelling. In grammar we are working on conjunctions. They are also finishing typing up their Halloween stories. Next week we will share those aloud! They will be posted for you to read during conferences. 

Next week is a short week for us so I am not going to do another story or spelling. We will be working on other things! 

Book Reports due November 8!!! 

Math- We have just begun our multiplication chapter. I gave them a timed test on Tuesday just to see how well they know their facts. It showed me that many of them have to really learn them better this year! That is something you can work on at home with them. Flashcards are great, but not necessary! Roll a pair of dice or just give them random facts to answer while you're driving to the store! 

Religion- We are just starting to work on the Beatitudes! They don't need to memorize them. We will discuss each one and come up withe examples of how we can live them today. 

Reminder:- No School next Thursday or Friday! 

November 1st is a holy day of obligation- All Saints Day. We will have mass on Tuesday, not Wednesday! They need to dress up on Tuesday! 

Social Studies- Iowa History Project due November 11

Halloween- Kids should bring costumes on Monday! Parade is at 2:30 in the gym. All are welcome! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Make sure you check your schedule for your conference day and time next week!! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Dear Parents, I hope everyone is having a good week! 

 Calendar Dates:

Oct. 21- Spirit Day

Oct. 28- Spirit Day

Oct. 31- Halloween/ Halloween Parade at school @2:30

Oct. 31-Nov.3 Parent Teacher Conferences

Nov. 8- Book Report Due

Nov.11- Iowa History Project Due

Math- We will be testing over chapter 2 on Friday! We are going over their practice test on Thursday.  I noticed many didn't want to read their story problems. They just want me to tell them what to do. I warned them that I won't do that on the test. 

Reading- This week we are reading a piece of the story Old Yeller, the classic! I told them this is a book they could read for our next book report, next trimester. This part of the story just shows the main character how the big yeller dog is actually helpful at the farm! He saves his younger brother from a bear! We talk about dialect in this story... they use the word "yeller" instead of yellow.  We also talk a lot about adages and proverbs in this story. These are things we don't normally here anymore.... " A penny saved is a penny earned" is an example. I told them their grandparents or great grandparents might use them. In grammar we are working on direct and indirect objects. We did this mostly together in class. It is a difficult concept, but when we do it together and I can ask them the questions to get them there...they do just fine! 

They are typing up their final drafts of their Halloween stories. They will be due next Friday, October 28. This is something they can do at school. 

Religion- On Thursday I will be testing the rest on their last prayer to know. Hopefully, they will get it! They are also working on showing the mysteries of the Rosary. There will be posters hung up in our hallway to show them! They are doing a great job depicting them. After the mysteries, we will be back in the book starting to work on the Beatitudes. 

Social Studies- They are working on typing up their Iowa history project papers at school. They are getting class time to do this! Their 3D projects will be due Friday, November 11. They are doing these at home. 

Friday is a Spirit Day! They can wear sweats for $1!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Thursday, October 13, 2022

 Hi Parents! This is another short week! I hope you enjoy your long weekend! We have professional development on Friday for our LETRs class. I was able to see my niece's soccer team play on Saturday! They won so that was fun too! Simpson has a beautiful campus, especially in the fall. 

Calendar Dates:

Oct. 14- No School/ PD Day

Oct. 21- Spirit Day

Oct. 28- Spirit Day

Oct. 31- Halloween/ Halloween Parade at school

Oct. 31-Nov.3 Parent Teacher Conferences

Reading- This week they are reading a story called The Quest for the Tree Kangaroo.  This is an informational text so it reads more like their science and social studies book. This is about a group of people in Papua New Guinea who are researching the tree kangaroos. Their goal is find them and put a collar on them so they can track them and learn about them. These animals are very elusive. In grammar this week they are working on identifying verbs in sentences. They will be working on action verbs and helping verbs. They are also working on identifying synonyms and antonyms.

Unit test scores are in their take home folders. As I expected, scores weren't the best. I know a few of them were having a hard time staying focused during the test. It is given over the whole week and it's not timed. They have time to go back and look up answers in the story. I don't think many of them did that based on the scores. I reminded them that a normal story we read 3 times in class and discuss. They could at least read the story 2 times before answering questions on the unit test. I am not sure many did that either. 

Math- We are finishing up our chapter on adding and subtracting decimals. This one was a lot shorter than chapter one!  They will have a test next week. 

Religion- This week they are out of the book! We are working on 2 of the benchmarks for 5th grade religion. They will be memorizing two prayers. They need to be able to say them to me. They will keep trying until they pass! I gave them a lavender paper with the prayers on them they can take home and say them to you for practice! They need to know the Apostles' Creed and Hail Holy Queen. Their first try is going to happen tomorrow (Thursday). 

No School on Friday!!! Enjoy your three day weekend! 

Below is the Conference Link. You need to look at your calendar and schedule a day and time. I have a few days set up so there should be plenty to choose from!

God Bless,

Miss Surma

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

 Hello Parents, Happy Wednesday! I hope your week is going well. I loved seeing my niece last weekend get ready for homecoming. I also got to spend the day watching her and her  volleyball team play in a tournament! 

Calendar Dates:

Oct. 7- Spirit Day

Oct. 14- No School/ PD Day

Oct. 21- Spirit Day

Oct. 28- Spirit Day

Oct. 31- Halloween

Nov.3 Parent Teacher Conferences

Reading- This week they are taking their unit 1 tests. I will send scores home next week once the tests are done. I also gave them their first book report project. They have an orange packet with their project choices. They are to choose only one. I told them the sooner they have their book read , the sooner they can get their project done because it is due shortly before the Iowa History project. Next week we will start unit 2. There will be a spelling test next week. 

Math- We started chapter 2 this week. They are working on adding and subtracting mentally . They are also estimating decimals to find the sums and differences. Rounding numbers is still difficult for some of the kids. I noticed mentally adding and subtracting is too. You can always work on that at home with the basic facts. Some of them still don't know things like 10+5= 15 without counting it in their head or using their fingers. They really need to know those basic facts in all areas. It saves so much time when they are doing their problems. 

Religion- We took a break to practice for the Rosary today. We will get back into this chapter and finish it. After that I take a break from the book. They  will be doing a lot of work based on the Rosary. Two of those things will be prayers they need to know. I will let you know when we are at that point. They did a GREAT job with the Rosary today! You can catch it online if you missed it! 

Spirit Day- This Friday is Spirit Day! Sweats for $1! The weather looks to be a perfect day for sweat pants! 

Coin Wars starts next week. The high school is raising money for the Veteran's Honor Flights. Students can start bringing in their spare change next week!  1st place class gets a pizza party, 2nd place gets a cookie or cupcake party, and 3rd place gets suckers!  This is a great cause! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I plan on going to my niece's soccer game! Loras vs Simpson! 

God Bless, 

Miss Surma