Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Hello Parents! I hope you are having a great week! I hope you were able to enjoy the weekend outside! The weather was so nice! I had a great time with my sisters! We did some shopping in Winterset and Des Moines and then caught the new James Bond movie. We stayed up way to late visiting!  

Important Dates:

  • Oct. 20- 4th/5th grade mass
  • Oct. 21- PTO Meeting
  • Oct. 22- Spirit Day
  • Oct. 28- Conferences/ No School
  • Oct. 29- No School
  • Nov. 1- No School/PD Day

Reading- This week we are reading part of a classic! Old Yeller is the story this week, but not the sad part!  We also have to focus on how they talk in this story. They pronounce words a little bit differently! In grammar we are working on direct and indirect objects. I am giving them a little cheat sheet to help them on the test on Friday. That part of the test can be a little tricky. 

Next week we only have 3 days of school so I am not going to try and do a story in that amount of time. So there won't be a spelling test either. I think next week we will work on creating some Halloween stories. Due to the time crunch, I am going to have them work in partners to create a story. 

Just a reminder that the book report is due on Friday, November 5. 

October Book IT Calendar will be due on Tuesday, November 2. Make sure you sign it! Even if they don't make the goal...I can record any minutes they did read. 

Book Fair- The kids will be looking and buying any books they choose on Wednesday at their library time. They will need to come with money on that day if they plan on making any purchases. It will also be open during your conferences on Thursday if you want to do any shopping! 

Math- this week we are ending our chapter on adding and subtracting decimals. By Friday, we should be going over the dress rehearsal with the test being on Monday. Our next chapter is on multiplication. 

Halloween Celebration- We will celebrate Halloween on Wednesday, October 27 in the afternoon. The 6-8th graders are providing activities for PK-5. We are doing the parade again! You are welcome to join us in the gym. The parade will begin at 2:30 pm.  The kids DON'T have to dress for mass that day. They should pack their costumes in their bags. They will change into those before the parade. If you want to take your child after the parade, that is fine, just see me before you leave so that I know you have them and we can make sure they have everything! 

Spirit Day on Friday! $1 for sweats! 

Reminder: No school on October 28 and 29 and November 1. I will see you at your child's conference!  

Religion- Most everyone has the prayers memorized now. We are moving on to the next topic! They are drawing and coloring posters to represent each of the mysteries of the rosary. Right now they are focused on the Joyful Mysteries. You will see them in the hallway when you come for conferences! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Next week will be very short! I probably won't do a blog next week since I see you for conferences, unless something comes up! 

God Bless,
Miss Surma

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

 Hello Parents, I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the early out on Friday! I got to my niece's soccer game, but she didn't get the chance to play. It was still great to see her and visit with my brother! 

 Important Dates:

  • Oct. 20- 4th/5th grade mass
  • Oct. 21- PTO Meeting
  • Oct. 28- Conferences/ No School
  • Oct. 29- No School
  • Nov. 1- No School/PD Day

Wipes- I am in need of more wipes. I bought 5 containers a couple of weeks ago and we are nearing the end of that supply. If anyone can help and donate some, that would be much appreciated!  We go through about 45 wipes a day! Thanks so much for your help! 

Reading-  this week they are reading an informational article on tree kangaroos that are found in Papa New Guinea. The scientists in the story are putting collars on them so they can track them and learn about this elusive animal. We are focusing on cause and effect as our skill. In grammar we are talking about action, linking, and helping verbs. 

I have their unit test scores in your child's Take Home Folder. Some of the comprehension scores are not the greatest. This doesn't surprise me. This is pretty typical. This was a Benchmark test and they have more stories to read. I am also not sure they actually went back to look anything up in their stories to help them. Most don't fully comprehend the story when they read it one time. They do have time to read it more than once, if they take the opportunity. 

Math- this week they have been working on adding and subtracting decimals. We getting through this chapter pretty quickly. There is a lesson coming up on problem solving that I think will slow us down a bit. We will most likely do that together in class. I think next week we will be finishing this chapter up. 

Religion- I have given your kids a copy of the two prayers they are to memorize. I am going to start quizzing them on Thursday. I told them to choose whichever prayer they want to do first. It doesn't matter the order. Once they pass one, they will move on to the next. I also told them to focus on learning one prayer at a time, not try to do both. One of the other standards in 5th religion is focusing on the mysteries of the rosaries. That will begin next week. They don't need to memorize them. They are going to use their art skills to display them! 

Conferences- Below is a link to the sign up. This year, we are following little bit of the schedule the public school is doing.  The kids will NOT have school on Thursday, October 28. I am doing conferences that day from 10 am to 6 pm.  This year both parents/guardians are welcome to attend the conferences, unlike last year when we only allowed one person.

Halloween Celebration- we will celebrate Halloween on Wednesday, Oct. 27. The kids can bring their costumes to school that day to change into before the parade. It is a mass day, so they will still have to dress up. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Two of my older sisters are coming down this weekend for a little sister bonding! I can't wait to see them! 

God Bless,
Miss Surma

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Dear Parents, 

Happy Crazy Week! I think we packed a ton into this week and it isn't even over yet. 

 Important Dates:

  • Oct. 8- 3 hour early out/ Homecoming
  • Oct. 20- 4th/5th grade mass
  • Oct. 21- PTO Meeting
  • Oct. 29- No School
  • Nov. 1- No School/ PD Day/ All Saints Day

Reading- They are taking their unit test this week. They also got a packet to choose an activity for their book report project.  They each have a purple packet with the possible activities listed. They only choose one to do. The project is due on Friday, Nov. 5. Next week we will get back to spelling. I will send home their unit test scores next week in their folders. 

Thursday- Oct. 7.- The high school cheerleaders will be here on Thursday morning for a Pep Rally.  We have the fire station coming in the afternoon. They will be talking to the 3-5th graders. We have our annual poster contest too. The 5th graders will start that in art next week. 

Friday, Oct. 8- We have a 3 hour early out for homecoming. There is a parade!  We also have a Spirit Day too! They can wear sweatpants or a hat for $1 if they want to. They can also wear their PANTHER gear to support homecoming! 

Mass- Next week is the 4th and 5th grade mass, but your kids won't have a part. This will be the rest of the 4th graders having the jobs since the 5th graders had roles in our last mass. 

Religion- October is the month of the rosary. We aren't really focusing on that in religion this week due to finishing our chapter and our field trip. Next week we will be! I have plenty of rosaries here at school, but if they want to bring their own they may. They are responsible for them! 

Math- we are working on adding and subtracting decimals. The first lesson was on mental math and using the commutative and associative properties. The next lesson is on estimating the decimals to find the sum or difference. 

Thank you, Lara, for going with us to Kansas City! We hope you enjoyed the day!!! Thank you to everyone for helping us make this once in a lifetime opportunity come true! 

I hope everyone enjoys their early out on Friday ! I am heading to watch the Loras Women's Soccer Team on Saturday play at Pella! My niece is on the team! Hopefully she will get some play time!  Have a great weekend! 
God Bless