Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Hello Parents! I hope you are having a great week! It feels weird not having school on a Wednesday. Our PD day started at the high school with an excellent speaker! He is a superintendent in Wisconsin. He was highly motivating and great at making us all feel good for our career choice! He also just kept telling us to promote what we do at our schools. I think we do a pretty good job of that!

Reading- This week we are reading a science fiction story called LAFFF. It is about a girl who travels forward in time using her neighbor's time machine. The story has a great twist! I love reading it aloud the first time because their faces at the end are always classic! Lots of disbelief! This week in grammar we are working on adverbs. These are a little harder than adjectives because now they have to find the verb to figure out what is being described. Many adverbs end in -ly, but not all of them. They will test over this story and the spelling words on Friday

Math- This week they began dividing decimals by whole numbers and decimals using a calculator. On Tuesday and Thursday, they worked in small groups to divide decimals by whole numbers. They weren't doing the process on paper. They had to use Base 10 blocks. The beginning is always a trial and error, but once they get it into their heads that they can trade ones for tenths or tenths for hundredths...the process becomes easier and more fun.  Plus, who doesn't like playing with blocks??? They will learn the same process on paper...back to divide, multiply, subtract, bring down, but this time they will have to have a decimal in their answer.

Religion- This week Friday they will be testing over our current chapter. The focus has been baptism and confirmation.  Next week we will be preparing for our mass. They will get their parts on Friday so they can practice. This is a bigger mass because it is Ash Wednesday mass. There will be two readings from the students. They will also be receiving their ashes. Next week they will also be making their Lenten promises. If it is something big they want to give up, I usually make sure they get the okay from you. I remind them that if they are giving up shouldn't bother their family or friends. By that I mean, they shouldn't make others miserable because they gave up a favorite TV show or snack or drink,etc.

Spirit Day this Friday! They can wear sweats for $1!!! 

Auction/ Dinner-- This is just around the corner! February 29th! You can get your dinner tickets in the office! They are also doing online bidding on select items this year...if you cannot be there in  person!

Dustin Baird took the picture of the 5th graders for us! Sarah Lane and I got the picture ordered. Thank you, Merry Driskell for helping us out while you were in the office! :) Thank you for making sure your child had on blue!!!

New trimester begins on Monday!!!! That means the late slip record is clean! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
God Bless,
Miss Surma

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