Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Hello Parents, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I enjoyed my time in Waterloo with my brother and sister-in-law and their kids!

Reading- This week they are taking the unit test. I will send scores home next week. Typically they score higher on this one than the first one. They have the same number of questions but fewer stories to read. We are also starting our new unit on Friday. This way I can get two stories in before we go on Christmas break. Our next unit is a favorite of mine. Every story deals with someone from the Revolutionary War time. If you haven't heard from your child or others, they will also be listening to the songs from the musical Hamilton. The songs are a great of way of telling the story of Alexander Hamilton. If you're ever given the chance, I would go to the musical. It is amazing! One man created the story and wrote the songs. Many are raps. I think that is part of the attraction for the kids. I know some of the boys already know the songs because of their older brothers. :)

Math- They did GREAT on their chapter tests. I wanted to let you know that before Thanksgiving I gave them the exact same test a practice test. We did that on a Friday. On the next Monday we went over every problem and discussed common errors made. I showed them what their grade would be,but it was not something I put in the grade book. Then on Tuesday, they took the exact same test. Everyone's scores improved! Some made huge leaps! Normally, the kids do the chapter review and we go over that, but the conference I attended in Des Moines in September told us that we should have a "dress rehearsal". We shouldn't set the kids up for failure and we should try to address the issues before the test. I didn't let them go home with the test as a study guide though. I don't think they could've memorized answers because they had to show all their work to get the credit. I just found that to be such an A-HA moment! I really think it worked too based on the scores. The kids were shocked to see that it was the same test, even though I had told them it would be. I think there was some relief too. We started our new chapter on decimals on Tuesday! They first learn about the place value names and the value of each one.

Book Reports- I assigned their next report. They should all have a book picked out. This time they had to choose a book that was either a Newbery Winner or a Newbery Honor book. They have the same list of projects to choose from, but this time they must choose another activity. These are not due until January 29, 2020, so they have some time!!!

Writing- This week I assigned their next creative writing assignment. I read the story The Mysteries of Harris Burdick to them by Chris Van Allsburg. They are doing their rough drafts on their chromes this time. To explain it here would be too difficult, but your child can certainly tell you! Their rough draft will be shared to me by Dec. 19. They are to have at least one full page typed. From what they are telling me, these will be great stories! There is a lot of creativity here!

Religion- We are finishing up our chapter this week on the Beatitudes. They will test over it early next week! My plan is to go into a discussion about our church calendar and Advent next.

Spirit Day is Friday! We are also working at the Food Pantry then! 

Advent Angels started on Wednesday! 

Food Pantry Donations- We are collecting personal hygiene products to take to the Food Pantry. If you are able to help out, please send them to school by Friday, Dec. 13. Thanks!!! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I know the kids are on the countdown to Christmas break! We wish Sadie and Ethel a safe trip to London and we hope they have a wonderful time!

God Bless, 
Miss Surma

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