Hello Parents, I hope you had a great weekend! I was able to catch my nieces from Waterloo play some soccer on Sunday in Des Moines. I always enjoy watching, but am not a fan of the colder temps while watching!
Math- I wanted to explain that I attempted our first online test in math. I can't say I was much of a fan. The harder part for me is the going back to score their work online. It would have been easier if I had just chosen a test that is 25 multiple choice questions, but I am not a huge fan of those. I like the ones where they have that and fill in the blank. The kids have to show their work no matter what test I give them. I just had to keep going back and scoring. Then I had to look back again. It was just more of a hassle. I will need to think about this. It does give great information after their tests are completely scored. There was one problem everyone missed when it came to writing the expression. They needed to include brackets and parentheses in order to get the correct answer. If they only do the parentheses then it messes up with using the rules for solving expressions and their answers were much lower. Our next chapter starts right off with division with a single digit divisor. In chapter one they learned two new strategies for division problems. This will be the standard algorithm-- the way you and I learned it. Now, they may ask for help and tell you ,"That's not how Miss Surma does it." It probably is the same, but our vocabulary could be different. I usually hit a little wall in this chapter. They forget from last year how to divide, so we have to start from scratch it seems. I always have one or two that think they will never get division. They will. It just takes time and practice. Knowing their math facts is a big help so that is something they could practice at home with you or even in the car.
Veteran's Day- On Tuesday, they worked with the 4 year olds in Mrs. Dinham's room to create a paper chain flag. I posted pictures on my Facebook page. It looks really cute! They did a great job together! The 5th graders are also making cards for the veterans that show up to our program.
Reading- This week they are taking their unit test. This is a benchmark test and typically is pretty hard. I won't be shocked if scores aren't great. I decided that on Friday we would start our next unit. That means they will have a spelling pretest and read a new story. Next week we don't have school on Friday, so that means the test will be moved to Thursday. Starting on Friday means I won't have to cram it in 4 days. We also started sharing our Halloween stories. They are being posted outside my room. If you are coming to the Spaghetti Supper on Saturday-- take a look!
Religion- This week we are focused on learning our prayers. We also have mass next week with the 3rd and 4th graders. Not everyone will get a part. Ask your child, they will know! We are having a doughnut and coffee reception for grades 3-5 and their parents/guests after mass next week. If you can join us, that would be great!
Paint Shirt- The 5th graders will need to have a paint shirt on October 30th. I believe that is a mass day as well. They will be painting pumpkins in art class that day! I don't want them to get paint on their mass clothes.
Spaghetti Supper is on Saturday, Oct. 19 from 5-7 pm. I believe they are still looking for workers. Sign up with the PTO if you can help out! I will see you at the dessert table! I am working the first shift! 🍝🍝🍝
No School on Friday, October 25. We have professional development that day!
There will be substitute on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Mrs. Sickels and I will be in Des Moines attending a conference. I will be back on Wednesday.
Our prayers go out to Taylor and her family with the loss of her great grandpa. This class has experienced a lot of loss in the last couple of months. I pray for some peace and a break for awhile. 🙏
Spirit Day on Friday!
I hope everyone has a great weekend. My oldest sister Mary is coming down on Friday for the weekend. She lives in Sioux Falls, SD. My sister Penny is from Waverly. She is a "maybe" at this point. It will be some good sister time no matter what! ❤
God Bless,
Miss Surma
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