Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Dear Parents, I hope you are having a great week! It's hard to believe we are nearing the end! 

Growth Talk- There is a permission slip in your child's folder from the school nurses. They will be giving the 5th graders a Growth Talk/Video on May 24. Please return the permission slip by May 17. This works perfectly with the chapter we read this week in Guidance. 

Reading- This week they read a story called Lewis and Clark. This was about their expedition across America looking for a waterway that would get them from one side of the United States to the other. They never found such a waterway. They did have Sacagawea as their guide on this journey. They also had many obstacles along the way.  Their grammar this week is creating contractions like we'd, wouldn't,  and he's. Their spelling list is base words and and the suffix -ion.  Elect and election. They will test on Friday. 

Next week is their Unit 5 test week. They will not have spelling. 

Book Reports- Their project is due on Monday! They should bring that along with their costume  on that day.  We will start sharing on Monday, but I doubt we get through all of them. The costumes will go home as soon as they are done sharing. 

Spirit Day- There is another Spirit Day on Friday. They may wear hats and/or sweats for $1!!! 

Math- They have been working on simplifying fractions, making equivalent fractions, and finding the common denominator in a pair of fractions. This week they will also be comparing fractions.  It has been a little tricky keeping it all straight for some of them. When do we divide? When do we multiply? d

Substitute- I am gone on Friday.   Mr. Bergstrom will be my sub. They are also going to the Food Pantry on Friday afternoon. 

Elk's Track Meet is on Monday, May 13. Field Events begin at 5:30 and Running Events begin at 6:30. This takes place at the high school. I am not sure if any of the 5th graders plan on participating. 

We wish Kaycie Britten the best of luck this week with going to nationals for Archery in Kentucky! 

Have a GREAT weekend! Happy Mother's Day to all the moms! I hope your family does something extra special for you or with you! 
God Bless, 
Miss Surma

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