Happy Thursday Everyone! I hope you are having a great week! It seems to be flying by! I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving already...didn't we just have Halloween?
Reading- This week they are taking their unit 2 test. I will be able to send scores home next week. They are also doing their first book reports on Thursday. We will finish them up on Friday if we need to do so. Next week with only 2 days-- we won't do another story. I will have other things planned for that time.
Math- This week they used Base 10 blocks to solve division problems with 2 digit divisors. They worked in groups to solve them. It was a fun couple of days. On Wednesday, I started teaching them the strategy of Partial Quotients. We did take the long route, but on Thursday we will learn to shorten that up. I like this strategy. I learned it about 5 years ago in a math class I was taking. I know this isn't something you will know how to do and I did tell your children that. :) Having said that, this is a great 2nd option for the kids to use if the original strategy is too difficult. With partial quotients I can easily multiply by 10s, 20s, 100s and do it all mentally. It also allows me to take out more of the dividend at one time. They will learn the strategy you and I were both raised with, but this will give them two options to solve a division problem. They will be able to choose what works for them and that is what is key here. It needs to work for them, not me or you, I'm afraid. Most of them will most likely choose the strategy we know, but if they really like partial quotients, I won't stop them from using it. Division is division and as long as they are comfortable with it and can do it--go for it!
Religion- They have all finished the quizzes over the mysteries! We will be heading back into the book now!
Geography Bee- We will hold the first round on Monday! We will let you know when the 2nd round will be held. You will be invited to that round!
Advent - This will begin right after Thanksgiving. The kids will do activities with an Advent Angel again this year! They are already asking me about it! I think they are excited!
Mass- They did a GREAT job with mass today. I had two adults guests come up and tell me they did a wonderful job! They were really impressed. I shared that with the kids. It's always good to hear! I thought they did an amazing job too, but I might be a little biased!
Food Pantry- I just wanted to say that the kids did a GREAT job last week helping out at the Food Pantry. They unloaded the truck and then unpacked all the groceries. Another set of kids were separating frozen food items and breads into smaller bags. There was a moment that I got to just stand back and watch and I was near tears. It was just such a sweet moment watching your kids do their jobs with such kindness and excitement. Moments like those are extra perks for my job! They make my heart melt. Love love love your kids!
Have a great weekend! Don't forget the Vendor Fair at STM on Saturday!!! Get some of your Christmas shopping done and support the STM PTO!
Let me also add-- I won't do a blog next week, so please let me wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. I know I am adding your kids to my list of things I am thankful for this year!
God Bless,
Miss Surma
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