Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Dear Parents, 
I hope you enjoyed your long weekend! I know I did! I was in Doon with most of my siblings. We are having to go through Mom's stuff. It wasn't exactly fun,but spending time with them is always good. Below is a link for the conference sign-up. I added some extra time slots on Tuesday and Wednesday because I can't get all of you in on Thursday. Check your calendars and pick your time ASAP. Thanks!

Social Studies- I just wanted to put out there that their Iowa History reports (rough draft) are due on Friday to Mrs. Sickels. She said if you can have it typed that would be easier for her, but I don't believe it's  a requirement until the final copy. She likes to look them over and then she make some final suggestions before the final is due. The kids have a list of questions they should be able to answer. If the information isn't in the stuff they received in the mail, they may be able to find it online. 

Science- Their test is on Friday. Mrs. Burg told me that they should be studying their vocabulary for sure because that is a more difficult piece on the test. I reminded them of that on Wednesday. 

Math- The test is tomorrow (Thursday). If they need extra time-- we will use Friday as well. You will see their test once I am done grading and if any corrections need to be made. They will make those corrections with me. I like to sit with them and figure out what they missed and how we can fix it. 

Reading- This week we read a short excerpt from Old Yeller. (Not the sad part-- I didn't tell them) This is about how the main character has to rescue his little brother Arliss from a bear cub and its mom. We are working on direct objects in grammar. So we are finding the verb and then trying to figure how who or what received that action. I ask them a lot of questions to help them pick it out. On Wednesday, we spent time going over adages and proverbs. I did tell them-- these are little phrases that they may not hear of much these days, but that there is always some meaning or lesson behind them. For example: It's better to be safe than sorry. They were able to give me lots of examples for this one. We also used it when talking about studying for their science test starting tonight (Wednesday) because we know the vocabulary piece is going to be a challenge. It is better to be safe than sorry and wait until the last possible minute to study. A penny saved is a penny earned was another one. We also talked about how we can't always take them's raining cats and dogs. They told me that just means it is raining really hard. It's not REALLY raining cats and dogs. :) This is a tricky part of the test on Friday. 

Halloween stories- I am handing them back as fast as I can edit them. I have some already returned with the final copy. I am trying to give them at least 5 days to type it up. If you can't print it-- email the story and I will print it for you. I will have some of them posted on the wall in the hallway by the Spaghetti Supper! 

Religion- Many of them have already memorized both prayers. I have a few that are still working on one, but they are so close. We will move to the different decades of the rosary next! 

Spirit Day is on Friday! $1 for sweats! 

Spaghetti Supper is this Saturday! I know spots to help work it are still open! Please check your calendar and do what you can to help out! I will probably see you there. 

Have a great weekend! 
God Bless,
Miss Surma

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