Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Happy Thursday Parents! I hope you are having a great week! It feels like fall now! :)

Math- This week we have been working on finding the quotient by using the Distributive Property and multiplication. It took a couple of days to really get them to see the process. On Wednesday they had their first assignment-- 6 problems! We did one together as a reminder. As I walked around the room I was watching them work. It made me SMILE! They were finally "getting" it and working the problems with very little assistance from me! I even heard things like, "I finally get this!!" and "This is so easy, I don't want to go back to division!"  I have to say-- that just made my heart melt a little! This is one strategy they could use when we get into division if they find the long division too hard. Now, that will be awhile, but it is there! We will continue to do more of this today before we move on to something else. 

Art- I don't talk about art much, but on Wednesday I gave them each a sheet that had a different design on each side. They were in a book of Optical Illusions. They had to choose which side to color. Their expressions when they saw the different designs were so fun! I have to say I could not really look at them. They hurt my eyes and some made my stomach flip! They are having a great time with them. If you are in our hallway-- check out last week's art. They had to draw themself with some sunglasses on. In the lense of the glasses they had to draw a picture of whatever they were looking at. They turned out really cute! 

Reading- We are reading our last story this week in this unit. It is called Elisa's Diary.  Elisa has just moved to the USA and is having a hard time with the English language. She can write it okay, but speaking it is very difficult. Her brother is more outgoing and is picking it up much easier. Elisa meets Jose. He moved here from Guatemala. He can speak English better than he can write it. They make a pact to help each other out. 

In grammar we are continuing our work with nouns, but this week we are working on making them plural. We are also talking about collective nouns-- audience, class, committees, etc. Even when you can see them as a group, they can still be identified as singular or plural. 

We will test over the story and spelling words on Friday. Next week Monday we will start our first unit test. I will break this down over the week so they aren't doing it all in one sitting. Towards the end of the week, I will start their first writing assignment,  a Halloween story. 

Religion- Our focus in this chapter has been the Paschal Mystery-- the suffering, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus. We are also talking about the grace we receive when we receive a sacrament.  Once we are done with this chapter-- I will be focusing on the Rosary. In 5th grade they learn the decades and two of the other prayers we say during the Rosary. While they are doing this, we step away from the book. 

PTO- A big shoutout to our PTO! They have been so generous! We have a set of 26 Chromebooks in our wing that  are in a transportable cart. At this time they are for grades K-5 to share, but the PTO just bought another set for K-2!!! Once Father has those up and running we will have a set in each wing. The 5th graders get on them about 3 times a week for ST Math, but I know they have also used them in social studies for their county project. They each know how to login and can check their  emails. They did this last week to vote on the new STM gear design. It is always a little scary for me because I am not tech savy, but they are doing great with them! They really enjoy their ST Math time. The PTO is also having a contest that deals more with YOU! They are taking attendance at each PTO meeting of the parents or teachers that attend and then you can pick which grade you want. They are keeping track of those and the grade with the most attendance will get a pizza party at the end of the year! I realize you are really busy, but we all know it takes a village. Plus this way you know what they are planning and if you're interested, you could help out! The PTO does a lot of fundraising for our school and you are part of that organization whether you are there or not. They did a fantastic job with the Color Run! It was perfect weather and so much fun! I loved it! I loved seeing so many of my kiddos there too! They poured on the color at the end! Please just take a minute to consider coming to the next meeting. The Spaghetti Supper is around the corner! 

Have a great weekend! I am heading back to Waterloo. My niece Mara is getting married this Saturday.  I did see plenty of flooding last weekend in Cedar Falls and surrounding towns. :( 
God Bless,
Miss Surma 

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