Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Happy Thursday Parents! I hope you are having a good week! It has certainly flown by!

FRIDAY- Just a reminder that we get out early on Friday for the Homecoming Parade. It is also Spirit Day. They can wear sweats for $1. They can also wear their black and red for the Panthers. We will have a Pep Rally on Friday morning. 

Lunch- On Friday the students may also bring a sack lunch to school if they don't want to eat what our cooks will be providing. They will drink milk, so no other drink is needed. Remember it is an option: school lunch or sack lunch. 

Reading- This week we are reading a story called Double Dutch.  This week's story is nonfiction. This is a story about how Coach Rockett decided to start a jump rope team at the school he worked at in Harlem. The story includes some short jump rope rhymes. 
In grammar we are working on identifying common and proper nouns in a sentence. On Tuesday they were in teams and I gave them 2 minutes to name as many of each as possible. Their team would score a point if no other team named the same noun. (It's actually a version of my Scattergories game I play). We also discussed what makes it a word a proper noun. On Wednesday we talked about how we capitalize titles, abbreviations, initials, and acronyms.
Spelling- This week we started doing bonus words on the pretest. Not everyone is getting them. I based it off their spelling inventory test and their past pretest scores. 
They will take a test on Friday over the story and the spelling words. This also means next week is our last story in this unit. The following week will be a unit test week. 

Math- This week we are continuing our multiplication, but I have slowed us down a bit. They have the process down, but some are missing too many due to their multiplying or adding. We are just slowing down to get those things ironed out. 

Mass- Thank you for coming to our first mass and staying for the reception! It was so great to see all of you there!!! The 5th graders did such a great job! Our next mass is November 16. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy homecoming! I am headed to Waterloo after work on Friday. My nieces' homecoming is this week as well. My niece Grace is a homecoming queen candidate. They will crown their queen at the football game! I should make it in time! 

God Bless,
Miss Surma

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