Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Happy Thursday Parents! I hope your week is going well! The humidity is making it feel like summer!

Friday-- Pray for sun!  We will plan on Field Day fun around 10:30. The afternoon will most likely be a movie for 3-5. IF it does rain, Mrs. Sickels, Mrs. Burg, and myself have been making a Plan B. 

They will need to wear tennis shoes for the field day. No sandals. They will need a sack lunch with drink that day. No soda bottles bigger than 20 oz. No ala carte that day. 

 I would like to take a moment to just say thank you! Thank you for allowing me to be your child's teacher this year and the past two years as well. Thank you for entrusting them to me each day. They have made me laugh (almost) every day! They are a terrific group of kids and work so well together. I know I will miss them next year-- there is no doubt. I know they will do great things in middle school!!!! Thank you for your continued support. Thank you for choosing STM!!! I love my job and  I love these kids!!!! This has been a great year even with the sadness. I hope you have a wonderful summer!  I will be back to help with Ragbrai, and  I am taking a class. Most of my summer will be in Doon at Mom's. There is a lot of stuff to sort through. Thanks again! God Bless you and your family!
Love, Miss Surma

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