Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Hello Parents, Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great Christmas! It was nice to be home with Mom. We had plenty of snow up there, so I got my taste of shoveling! :)

Reading- This week we are reading our final story in this unit. This story is nonfiction. It is about two more people that participated in some way with the Revolutionary War. One of them was part of the militia. The other was a woman name Sybil Ludington. She was similar to Paul Revere in that she went back horseback to warn the men to prepare to fight in Connecticut.  We are also reading the famous poem about Paul Revere this week.  I found a little scene from The Andy Griffith Show that really explains what Paul did that night. It is kind of funny with Barney! I am not sure if your kids will know that show or not! I may be showing my age! 

Next week will be the third unit test, so it will be test week. They will also be getting their next book report assigned. It won't be due until later in February. I am also going to try and use some of our time on Friday of next week to begin the next creative writing assignment. I will wait to see how things go. 

Math- This week they learned how to add and subtract decimals using the standard algorithm. On Wednesday, they worked on sequencing numbers. I told them this is a good thing because I believe it is on the Iowa Assessments. Basically they are trying to figure out the sequence of the numbers and then fill in the missing number. Their numbers are all decimals.  

Here is an example: $5.00  $6.75  $8.50  $10. 25   _____, _______, _______

They had to determine what pattern was created. They figured out that each time the number increases by $1.75. Now they can find the next three numbers. 

They have a couple more lessons in this chapter. I think next week we might be testing. I believe the final lesson in this chapter is about teaching them how to fill out a checkbook's record book with deposits and withdrawals.

Religion- We came back to finish up our chapter. This chapter dealt mostly with the sacraments of baptism and confirmation. They will most likely test on Monday.  Our next mass is coming up on January 20th. I wanted to let you know that after mass that day we will have a reception for you the parents or grandparents. You are welcome to join the 5th graders for juice, coffee, and donuts.  

Catholic Schools Week is coming up on January 31-February 5. Keep an eye out for a calendar of events! We are doing some fun things that week! 

Trivia Night-- The PTO is hosting a trivia night on Saturday, January 3oth at Crestmoor for adults! There will be food and drinks! Individual spots will cost $25 or you can reserve a table for your team of 8 for $200. Small groups can also come and they will join another table. There will be more info in Thursday's folder. Check it out! It could be a great night out for Moms and Dads as well as a good fund-raiser! I believe social hour is at 6:00 while the trivia game starts at 7:00. 

The ST. Malachy Dinner and Auction is set for March 5. I am hoping to get some parent volunteers to take charge of the basket for the live auction and an item for the silent auction. You can choose the item you want to take care of! I will collect the monetary donations for you from the kids! Let me know if you can help out! It would be greatly appreciated! 

I hope everyone is having a great week! It sounds like we may be getting a cold blast this weekend! Oh joy... I am ready for spring I think!

God Bless, Miss Surma

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