Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Happy Thursday Parents! I hope you are having a good week! I can't believe that we are already at Thanksgiving! Where is our time going???  I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving next week!
I will be heading to Doon with my mom. It has been great having her here! We even got some of her Christmas shopping done!

Religion- In your child's folder is a Random Acts of Kindness calendar. This is an Advent Calendar for them to use during the month of December. I know some of the things probably can't be done, but it's always good to just think about what we can do in this month for others besides the gifts we need to buy for our loved ones. These can make someone's day just a little brighter! 

Congrats to our Fire Prevention poster winners! 1st Place- Keely 
2nd Place-Nevaeh and 3rd Place- Reese. Keely's poster along with the winners from 3rd and 4th grade were sent to Des Moines for the state competition. 

Reading- In your child's folder you will find their scores for Unit 2 test. Scores were up overall!!! I did talk to them about some of their choices that were incorrect. I reminded them that they had to go back and look for context clues in the sentences when they want you to define a word. If it is something factual, go back to the story and find it! If they are asking you to figure out need to think about everything you learned and then come up with your reasoning for what happened. On the Edit and Revise section, the most missed were dealing with punctuating sentences or even spelling. 

They will start a new story on Thursday and that will mean a spelling test too. They will take the posttest and test over the story next Tuesday. I had forgotten that they will be participating in the Geography Bee after mass next week. This will be the first round. 

Math-- We will be finishing up our math chapter this week. They will test on Monday over this chapter. We will start fresh after Thanksgiving. 

Prayer Service-- On Friday we are having a Red, White, and/or Blue Day! This is to show our support for those who died and those injured in Paris last Friday. We are also just showing our support for all the cities and countries are dealing with political issues or terrorist attacks. We will have a school wide prayer service for peace at 2:40 p.m. We are telling the kids they can wear red, white, and/or blue on Friday. I told the 5th graders that this doesn't mean sweats or crazy hair or painting our faces. A pair of jeans and a shirt or sweatshirt will do! 

Muffins with Mom-- What a GREAT turnout! We hope you were able to enjoy your breakfast with your children! Dads--not to worry! There will be a Donuts with Dad in February. 

Thank you to some of my kiddos this week! I had three boys who took it upon themselves to organize the bookshelves in my room. They arranged all the books by categories! There is a whole shelf for "girl books". :) Thank you Kyle, Nolan, and Cade!!! You rock!

Another thank you to George, Patrick, and Maddie! George cleaned up the game cupboard (indoor recess games)for me! Patrick and Maddie sorted through 2 decks of cards to make one complete deck! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :)

Early Out- We are now getting out 2 hours early on Wednesday!!!Plan accordingly! I won't be putting out a blog next week! I hope you have a great weekend and a very Happy Thanksgiving next week! I will be taking Mom back to Doon. We will be celebrating with my sister and her family in Sioux Falls. Safe travels for everyone!!! 
God Bless, Miss Surma

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