Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Happy Thursday Parents! I hope you are enjoying this shorter week! Are you having trouble remembering which day it is??? I know I am!

Reading- This week they read a play about two girls at camp. There is a mystery to solve about one of the girls. It is also a little spin-off of The Princess and the Pea. They read a short version of that as well on Wednesday. We also discussed how writers can use similes to compare things. In this story the prince was constantly comparing things about the girls he met to other things. He would look at their hair, smile, voice, and handwriting to decide if they were an actual princess. Their grammar this week has been focusing on the four different kinds of sentences: declarative, exclamatory, imperative, and interrogative. 
They will have their posttest in spelling on Friday. You will find in your child's Take Home Folder a copy of last week's reading test scores. That is your copy. It does not need to be returned. 

Book Order- I sent home order forms last Thursday. If you're ordering any books, please return the form by Friday. Thanks!

Math- This week we have spent most of our time learning about the different properties you can use to solve an addition or multiplication problem. They worked on Commutative--4x5=5x4. Associative-- (23x5)x4= 23x(5x4)
Identity Property can be either -- 5x0=0 or 5x1=5 . Distributive property is probably the most challenging. 4x 107= (4x100)+(4x7). This gives them a small taste of Algebra! 

Religion- We are finishing up the chapter this week. It covers the creation story, but it also focuses on the Blessed Trinity mystery and the mystery of the Incarnation. They had to come up with a picture that can visually show how something can be 3 in 1. They did a great job! Some of the pictures were glasses of lemonade, pizza slices, candy bars, shoes, etc. I am going to hang them up in the hallway. If you are here for the Food Fair on Sunday--walk down the hall and check them out! They will be testing on this chapter early next week I believe. 

ISU vs IOWA-- This weekend is the big game. On Friday, your child can wear their favorite team shirt! This is NOT another Spirit Day. They still need to wear shorts or jeans--no sweatpants. 

The 5th grade mass is scheduled for September 23. Please join us if possible! 

Have a great weekend! I have to head back to Doon after work on Friday. Enjoy the Food Fair if you go! 
God Bless, Miss Surma

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