Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hello Parents, I hope you are having a great week! Happy early Valentine's Day! 

Creston Wrestling-- The public school won't be having school next Wednesday, Feb, 18 due to team duals in Des Moines. St. Malachy will be having school. If you are taking your child to the tournament, please let me know so I can get them their homework on Tuesday. Thank you. 

Lent-- Ash Wednesday is next week. This marks the beginning of Lent. I will be asking the 5th graders to write down their Lenten promise on Monday. That is something they should be thinking about over the weekend. 

Reading- This week we read a story about a boy who wrote an article trying to persuade his town to take an old basketball court on the school property and turn it into a garden for the homeless. He had to even present it at the town council meeting. The 5th graders had a GREAT discussion on Monday when we first read the story. There was another girl who was proposing it be turned into a parking lot for the school teachers.  Your kids saw right through her! They decided she was just trying to butter up the teachers. We discussed whether a new parking lot would help them in their education?? The answer was a definite NO! They did recognize that the town council had some good arguments too. It was just a very impressive discussion! 

Math- This week they worked on estimating decimals and quotients using compatible numbers. This was pretty much review for them from our division chapter, but some had forgotten it, so it was good to go over again. They also started dividing decimals by whole numbers. 

Auction- Thank you again to my drivers on Wednesday to Old Market. They had a great time. When the table is brought in next week I will post a picture on here to let everyone see it! Don't forget any monetary donations are due by next Friday. Thanks again for your support. 

Book Reports- These are due next Thursday!!! We won't start sharing until Friday, but I want them brought in the day before. 

Have a great weekend! God Bless, Miss Surma

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