Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hello Parents! Happy Thursday! I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend!

Class Meeting
On Wednesday, we have our class meetings. This week they worked in small groups using a thesaurus. They were to look up synonyms for the words bulling, mean,  and hate. In the picture they are busy writing their words on a big poster. Next week we will continue with this poster with a discussion on how we can erase "meanness" from our classroom and school.  We also reviewed being a Bucket Filler to each other and other kids in our school. One of the things I reminded them of was that we don't get the bucket filler slips to pat ourselves on the back or to keep score of how many we get. The goal is to change our way of acting and treating others. The goal is to be the person we know God wants us to be. To strive to be more like Jesus and help those people we see in need no matter what that looks like to others.

Reading-- I put a copy of your child's first score sheet from last Friday's test in their Take Home Folder. You can keep that copy. I will send one home every week of the previous Friday's test. I was really pleased overall with the scores. If your child didn't do very well in an area--like decoding,  I went over that with them again just to see what they were thinking. It was pretty great! They told me instantly what they should have chosen. They need to be careful on that piece of the text and make sure they are breaking the word up correctly with the syllables. They need to slow down there and just sound each option out before choosing.  This week they read a play in class about two girls who are at a summer camp. There is a mystery involved. Ask your child about it?

Math- We are working on place value. On Tuesday and Wednesday we went over the different properties for addition and multiplication. They knew two of them from learning it in previous years. This year they are adding the Distributive Property. I haven't really sent home a lot of their math work. I am trying to figure out if I should keep it to give me a better idea of where your child is finding success and what could be a struggle. We do a lot together and I have done some group work and partner work with them. 

Book Orders are due today, but if you forgot--send it in on Friday. I will put the order in this weekend. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Sounds like the weather is going to be great! 
God Bless, Miss Surma

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