Dear Parents,
I probably don't have much to say this week. It has been a very difficult week for all of us. I think your children are doing quite well considering, but we can surely tell something is missing in our room each day. I love that they share their "TJ" stories with me each day. I am probably over-hugging them, but handshakes this week just aren't cutting it. :)
We are working on a story this week in language arts, but I am just kind of playing it day by day. We most likely won't test on Friday. I told them if we do, I will treat it more like a worksheet. We are working, but I know that the focus just isn't on the work yet. We will do a spelling test on Friday.
Math- We did do some more work with volume. We are going to begin working on division. Again, just playing things by ear from day to day.
Thanks so much for the money brought in on Wednesday. I know Mrs. Sickels and I were overwhelmed with the generosity. Of course, I am feeling that way with everything I am seeing from the community and surrounding towns. I told your children on Monday that for the 7 or 8 hours they are here each day, they are my children. I love them all and right now our family is broken. It is going to take some time to get used to the loss and there will be days we are sad and other days we are happy. I will say that your kids are certainly helping me get through the week.
I will be at the visitation with Mrs. Sickels. We plan on being there the entire time. We told the kids they could find us if they needed us or wanted anything.
Christmas Program is still on for Sunday at the YMCA. I will see your kids in the back hallway. They can have their DS games and iPods there.
Noisy Change Collection- There will be a collection next Wednesday during mass. This money will go towards the Adopted Family for Christmas.
St. Nick Project - Thank you for your donations this week!
Thank you so much for entrusting me with your children each day. They mean the world to me. Hug them for me. God Bless, Miss Surma
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